The method of obtaining free legal apartment

1. Method of obtaining free legal apartment.

2.Sposob earn large sums of money without breaking the law.

The method in the creation of the "extra" apartment, and her redemption (in the latter case) resale. Playing on the fact that the price of the flat is greater than the difference in prices of large and small apartments.

We find people who want to change their large apartment for less. it may
be willing to change the area or those who find it difficult to support a large apartment.
Select the options for sharing them among the congresses of the small apartments in big.
The information can be found in newspaper ads, on billboards, in urban services, dealing with the exchange of flats, etc. With the consent of living in a large apartment - in the future B - to exchange for one of the smaller and harmony living in small apartments - in the future M - exchange remains a big "extra" apartment, which must buy back and in the second case - to sell. To implement this method, you need a little time to become a broker and to demonstrate diplomatic entrepreneurial skills.


1. Create a list of those wishing to change their large apartment for less. To create it you can use the "Guide to the exchange of housing", announcements, etc.

2. Create a list of those wishing to move out of the small apartment in a large, using any available information.

3. Choose from the list of options 1 and 2, suiting M and B areas (MB) M - surcharge for additional efforts (MM) - a condition related to the exchange compared to the conventional, as well as to avoid a separate agreement between M and B.

4. In the case of mutual agreement, we have that God claims to be one of the small apartments "in the future KMB" M applies for a large apartment "in the future CB", you are applying for another small flat "in the future Cabinet."

5. The ideal is one in which the apartment is privatized Cabinet, it must be borne in mind when drawing up the list 2.

6. If the apartment is not privatized the CM, it is necessary to organize the conclusion of the privatization contract KM apartment in the personal property of M.

7. Organize the exchange of KB on KMB, calculated from the sum of B MB.

8. Within 10 days from the date of exchange (the time during which you can cancel the contract exchange of non-compliance with conditions of the transaction M) concluded in the notary's office contract KM apartments at M calculated by the sum of M MM, pay a fee of 5% of the sum of the MD , surrounding the purchase contract. CBM Amount paid fictitious (concrete method to your discretion). The ideal is a version in which the contract will be indicated amount MD - MM, which is significantly less than the market value of the apartment KM.

9. Thus, as a result, you pay the amount of MB in the exchange of KMB, pay the amount of KM KM for buying your property.

10. Apartment KM became politically your free since the amount of MM + MB is significantly less than the cost of apartment KM. If, however, this amount is too high for you, then you can use this method for the first time, as a way to make money, and the second time - for apartments own. In this case you get an apartment for free, and even with a profit.

11. If you use this method as a way to make money, you need to sell an apartment on the CM maximum market price M. Then you make a profit P = M (MM + MB - 0,5MD).

12. The former owners of the CM are written to the now living in apartment B. To do this, they must bytrodstvennikami. This is taken into account when creating the list 2.

We wish you good luck.