These 5 facts about the brain will change your life

Эти 5 фактов о мозге изменят вашу жизнь

The brain is the central part of the nervous system of animals, usually located in the head (front) part of the body and is a compact accumulation of nerve cells and their processes. Many animals also contain glial cells, can be surrounded by a sheath of connective tissue. In vertebrates (including humans), the brain is located in the cavity of the skull, and the dorsal, located in the vertebral canal.

Mind and brain

In the philosophy of consciousness, the concepts of mind and brain are different, and contradictions are noted about their exact relationships that lead to the problem of "mind-body". The brain is defined as the physical and biological matter contained within the skull and responsible for the basic electrochemical and bioelectronic neuronal processes. From the point of view of modern science, the brain is a complex neural network that produces and processes a huge number of logically connected electrochemical impulses, and the inner world of man, including his mind, is the product of this work.

In the modern scientific community, the view that mind is the product of the work of the brain is paramount. Similarly, supporters of artificial intelligence.

In addition, there are statements that the mind is computer-like and algorithmic. Point of view "brain-generated intelligence" and "computer-like mind" do not necessarily accompany each other.

There are various opinions about the interpenetration of the brain and concepts such as consciousness, mind, reason, reason, spirit, soul, memory, some even suggest that the mind exists in some way regardless of the brain or has to do with the paraphenomena.

Brain in culture

Because of the key importance of the brain in the body, the topic of the brain is popular. In ancient times, eating the brain of a defeated person or animal along with other parts of the body symbolized the receiving of enemy forces. In the Middle Ages, the brain was understood as the center of life, along with the heart. Currently, the theme of the brain is widespread in video games and films, in particular, films about zombies.

History of the study of the brain

The beginning of modern science of the brain was laid at the beginning of the twentieth century by two discoveries: the analysis of reflex acts and the discovery of the localization of functions in the cerebral cortex. On the basis of these findings, it was suggested that simple adaptive involuntary movements are carried out through a segment-level reflex arc passing through the lower parts of the brain, and conscious perception and arbitrary movements are provided by higher order reflexes whose sensoro-motor arc passes through the higher parts of the brain.

The size of the brain in mammals

Brain weight (kg) as a function of body weight (Mt, kg) for various groups of mammals:

Groups of animals Mass of the brain
Mammals 0.01 M t0.70
Monkey 0.02-0.03 M t0.66
Anthropoid apes 0.03-0.04 M t0.66
Human 0.08-0.09 M t0.66

1. The brain does not see the difference between reality and imagination

The brain reacts equally to everything that you think about. In this sense, there is no difference between objective reality and your fantasies. For this reason, the so- called placebo effect is possible.

If the brain thinks that you are taking a pharmaceutical drug (and not a pill with sugar), it reacts accordingly. I drank a placebo, thinking it was aspirin, and the brain would give the body a command to lower the body temperature.

The nocebo effect works in exactly the same way, but in the opposite direction. If the hypochondriac watches the evening news release and hears in them about the outbreak of a new illness, then he can even begin to feel physically her symptoms.

The good news is that if you look at the world in pink glasses, then for sure you often feel happy due to an abnormal high level of serotonin (a hormone of joy) in the blood. Any constructive thought or dreams about a bright future can improve your physical condition right here and now.

2. You see what you think most of all

Whatever you think, it becomes the basis of your life experience. For example, if you buy a new car, you will often notice the cars of this brand in the city. The thing is that after buying you think about your car more often than you thought until now.

Why is it important to know? The fact is that you can get out of any stressful situation simply by reprogramming your thinking. On the other hand, if you are trying to analyze the political situation presented by different media in different ways, then you will only believe those that reflect your own point of view.

There is something else. Have you ever noticed that people are quickly grouped by interests? Positive people are more likely to be friends with the same positive ones , and hypochondriacs - with hypochondriacs , are not they? This is not a coincidence. If you want to change anything in your life, start by changing the mental patterns.

3. Most of the time your brain works on autopilot

On average, the human brain generates 60 thousand thoughts per day. But more than 40 thousand of them will be the same thoughts that you drove in your head yesterday. That's why it's so easy to slip into a tailspin of negative perception of life. And that's why we often need to change the familiar situation to an unfamiliar one, in order to "clear" the brains.

Negative thoughts create stress and anxiety on their own, even if there is no real reason for that. And they really destroy the immunity, which is forced to react to it (see point No. 1).

Train your brain. Make him often register positive thoughts. The more you try, the faster and easier you will get. To take it consciously is to try to take all these unconscious processes under your own control. The ultimate goal of practice is to ensure that most of your thoughts that arise "by default" are positive.

4. Periodically turn off - this is vital

You can literally sink in the thousands of negative thoughts that get stuck in your head during the day. Therefore, you need to "disconnect": this will give a breather for the immune system, make you healthier and happier.

The easiest way to "turn off" the brain for a few minutes is meditation. It allows you to turn your mind into a convenient and effective tool.

And further. About leave. Choose an active holiday: skiing, diving, hiking. The easier it is for you to focus on the exciting process, the more effectively the head is cleared.

5. You can change your brain. Literally. Physically

When you focus on some kind of mental activity, your brain actively generates new neural connections at this time. This process is called neuroplasticity .

Here's how it works. If you think that you are not able to lose weight, then in time you will only be strengthened in this thought. But if you replace this subconscious belief with the thought: "I'm in excellent physical form," then your brain will each time build new neural connections to it. You will begin to notice more and more new opportunities that will allow you to turn this subconscious installation into a new reality.

You have the opportunity to subjugate your mind and change. You have the opportunity to achieve everything that you want. The main thing is to believe in it. After all, any physical process begins with the thoughts that arise in your head.?

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