In time to detect signs of acidification of the body - it means to protect yourself from disease

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The concept of "acidification" of the organism appeared only at the beginning of the XXI century. Until now, many doctors and nutritionists do not take into account this factor and are engaged in "treatment" of a particular disease, and not its cause. In most cases, problems with a deficiency of calcium and other minerals in the bones and tissues of the body are observed due to the elevated pH. Ideally, the organs should have a neutral or slightly alkaline environment, but in most people the pH is acidic ( acidosis ). It is acidosis is the true cause of many ailments.

Do you know about the "acidification" of the body? And what exactly because of this phenomenon there are habitual and familiar to all diseases? Find out what is acidification, its signs and symptoms. Methods of prevention and treatment, also read the article.

Loss of nails, damage to tooth enamel, rheumatism, joint problems, back and intervertebral disc problems, muscle pains, blood circulation disorders, frequent digestive tract problems, post-exercise cramps, constant fatigue, frequent headaches, infectious diseases, infections, Dry skin, dull hair, alopecia, cellulitis, varicose veins, blood pH above 7.45 and even a heart attack, stroke and cancer - these are the consequences and alarming signs of acidification of the body.

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Ben Mones , stylist hair designer, art director and technologist NIRVEL professional tells about important medical aspects of acidification of the body and their effect on skin and hair.

Signs of acidification of the body - the launch pad for serious diseases

Signs of acidification of the body:

  • Loss of muscle mass;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • osteoporosis;
  • Frequent colds;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Low level of hemoglobin;
  • Depression.

If the above symptoms and / or diseases are familiar to you firsthand, but the cause of such problems is unknown to you, think about the acidification of the body. After all, many illnesses begin with him.

The food of the "civilized man" leaves much to be desired. Indeed, ready-made foods are very convenient, carbonated drinks and chocolate are very tasty; It's hard to believe that such goodies become the reason:

  • Damage to tooth enamel;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Headaches;
  • Obesity;
  • Increased pressure;
  • Diabetes;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Cancer, etc.

Meanwhile, the illnesses are getting closer and closer to young people. Diseases "get younger", as few people pay attention to the first signs of acidification (acidosis). Over the past 20 years, I have observed health disasters that were the result of malnutrition. Why expose yourself to illness and premature death, even if you can grow old with dignity and lead an active lifestyle even at retirement age?

You will not believe, but studies show that only 3% of cancer victims die from this disease, the remaining 97%, unfortunately, become victims of ignorance or negligence.

Is it possible to detect signs of an organism?

First, the signs of acidification of the body, described above, it is quite possible to notice yourself. At home, you can also check the level of acidification of the body, namely saliva, urine or feces.

To do this, you need to purchase indicator (litmus) paper (for example, a range of 5 to 9). By the way, the pH of saliva does not vary as much as the pH of urine. It is better to measure acidity every day, so that you can calculate the average value for a week later.

Results of the test for saliva pH:

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PH of urine:

  • Morning: 6,0-6,4;
  • Evening: 6,4-7,0.

If the urine pH is below 5.0, this indicates a dangerous acidity. It should be noted that the food consumed affects the pH value of urine - proteins of animal origin increase acidity, vegetable food lowers it.

The daily pH value of urine should be slightly above 6.5. It is worth noting that a one-time measurement of urine pH is not indicative, so it is better to conduct this test periodically for 3 weeks. The average pH of the urine for the week should be 6.2-6.8. This value should be maintained for 3 weeks.

To more accurately determine the degree of acidification of the body, it is necessary to conduct a blood, urine and saliva analysis to shed light on immunological (blood), digestive (saliva) processes and the excretion of acids from the body (urine).

Taking into account the results, one can judge the risks of the current acidification of the body for health. Best in this matter will consult a doctor.

What is the acidity and alkalinity of liquids?

All liquids are classified in accordance with the value of the acid-base balance. It is measured at a pH value of 1 to 14. This value ranges from pH = 1 (acidic medium) to pH = 14 (alkaline medium). Depending on the proportions and the degree of dilution with aqueous neutral solutions (pH = 7), the acid-base balance of the liquid can vary in one direction or the other. PH = 1 is a very acidic medium (for example, 0.35% hydrochloric acid), pH = 7 is a neutral value (for example, drinking water), and pH = 14 is very high alkalinity (eg concentrated soda solution).

What products promote acidification?

Acidification of the body, the symptoms of which indicate irregularities in the functioning of systems, appears due to malnutrition throughout life. Sweets and meat products raise the pH level, increasing acidity. There is a processing of glucose with the release of nitrate-acid residues. When processing fat, acetoacetic acid is formed. To neutralize surplus acids, microelements are required, which are taken from bone and muscle tissue. You can not drink carbonated sweet drinks, they increase acidity.

What leads to increased acidity and the appearance of signs of acidification of the body?

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"Extra" acids must be eliminated from the body or neutralized by its forces. Acids are excreted in the urine, feces, through exhalation and / or through the skin. If the body does not cope with their elimination, the harmful acid residues accumulate in it and lead to the appearance of signs of acidification of the body.

If, after measuring the acidity level of urine and / or saliva, you notice that there is a threat of acidification of the body, exclude from your diet or limit the use of carbohydrates and animal proteins as much as possible. After that, monitor your pH for a couple more weeks.

If you still had certain health problems, the results of such a change in diet will simply amaze you! For an objective assessment of the result, you can start a journal and mark weekly improvements in your status, for example, using a 10-point scale.

Treatment of acidosis

Not always acidic foods contribute to acidification of the body. Lemon and tomatoes, despite the sour taste, alkalize the body and eliminate the causes of acidosis. With their help, you can neutralize excess acid.

Limit the consumption of fatty foods and meat. Replace them with fresh vegetables and fruits. Drink plenty of mineral water without gas or green tea. Herbal decoctions, which reduce acidity, are useful. Eat vegetable and fruit juices, they are a wonderful vitamin component of your diet.

Refuse from eating fast food and fatty foods. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be 85-90% of your total diet. At lunch, eat a large portion of a salad of cabbage, beets and onions. In the daily diet should be present carrots, beets, onions, garlic and greens. They can not be replaced by other vegetables.

Ideally, you need to give up the sweet, at least a month or two, and then eat it in very moderate amounts.