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Suboccipital muscles

Suboccipital muscles, mm. Suboccipitales, short, weak muscles, occupying the deepest position. These include:

1. Anterior rectus of the head, m. Rectus capitis anterior, short, starts from the anterior surface of the transverse process and lateral mass of the atlas, goes upward and attaches to the lower surface of the basilar portion of the occipital bone, in front of the anterior margin of the large occipital opening.

Анатомия человека в картинках

Function: tilts the head in his direction; With a two-sided cutting, tilts the head forward.

Innervation: nn. Ccrvicales (CI-CII).

Blood supply: aa. Vertebralis, pharyngea ascendens.

2. Lateral rectus muscle , m. Rectus capitis lateralis, square. It starts from the anterior part of the transverse process of the atlas, is directed upward and outward and is attached to the parotid process of the jugular process of the occipital bone.

Function: tilts the head in his direction; With a two-sided cutting, tilts the head forward.

Innervation: nn. Cervicales (CI-CII).

Blood supply: aa. Vertebralis, occipitalis.

3. Large posterior rectus muscle of the head, m. Rectus capitis posterior major, located between the spinous process of the axial vertebra and the lateral segment of the inferior vynnoy line.

Анатомия человека в картинках

4. Small rectus rectus muscle , m. Rectus capitis posterior minor, extends from the posterior tubercle of the atlas to the median segments of the lower nasal line.

5. The upper oblique muscle of the head, m. Obliquus capitis superior, goes from the transverse process of the atlas to the lateral segments of the upper nasal line.

Innervation: n. Suboccipitalis (CI), n. Cervicalis II.

6. The lower oblique muscle of the head , m. Obliquus capitis inferior, stretches between the spinous process of the axial vertebra and the transverse process of the atlas.

Function: head movement backward with bilateral contraction, back and side - with one-sided, while the lower oblique and partly posterior large straight muscle rotate the head.

Innervation: n. Suboccipitals (CI).

Blood supply: a. Cervicalis profunda.

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