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The palatine bone

Palatine bone , os palatinum, - paired bone. It is a curved plate that lies in the posterior part of the nasal cavity, forming part of the bottom of this cavity - the bone skies, the palatum osseum, and the side wall. It distinguishes between horizontal and perpendicular plates.

The palatine bone

The horizontal plate , lamina horizontalis, of each of the palatine bones, joining together along the median line of the skeletal palate, participates in the formation of the posterior part of the median palatine suture, and when combined with the two forearm outgrowths of the maxillary bones , forms a transverse palatine suture, sutura palatina transversa.

The upper nasal surface, facies nasalis, of the horizontal plate faces the nasal cavity, and the lower one - the palatine surface, the facies palatina, is part of the skeleton palatinum osseum, the upper wall of the oral cavity itself, the cavitas oris propria.

On the posterior medial end of the horizontal plate there is a posterior nasal awn, spina nasalis posterior, along the medial margin - a nasal crest, crista nasalis. The upper surface of each horizontal plastic is slightly concave and smooth, the lower one is rough.

From the outer part of the base of the perpendicular plate a thick pyramidal process departs, processus pyramidalis. It wedges into a notch between the plates of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone and limits the pterygoid pit from below, fossa pterygoidea.

On the lower surface of the pyramidal process there are 1-2 holes - small palatine foramina, foramina palatina minora, entrances to the small palatine canals, canales palatini minores, in which the nerves of the same name pass. Ahead of them, along the lateral edge of the horizontal plate, on the lower side of it, the lower edge of the large palatal groove forms a large palatine foramen palatinum majus with the same edge of the furrow on the upper jaw, located in the maxillofacial seam.

The perpendicular plate , lamina perpendicularis, of the palatine bone forms a right angle with the horizontal plate. This thin bone plate is adjacent to the anterior edge of the medial surface of the pterygoid process and to the posterior part of the nasal surface of the body of the upper jaw. On the maxillary surface, facies maxillaris, there is a large palatal sulcus, sulcus palatinus major, which, with the same name of the maxillary groove and the pterygoid process, forms a large palatal canal, canalis palatinus major, opening on the bone palate with a large palatine foramen, foramen palatinum majus.

On the nasal surface, facies nasalis, perpendicular plate of the palatine bone, there is a shell ridge, crista conchalis, - the fusion of the fusion with the posterior part of the inferior nasal shell.
Somewhat higher is the trellis crista, crista ethmoidalis, where the middle nasal shell of the latticed bone grows.

The upper edge of the perpendicular plate terminates in two processes: the orbital process, orbitalis, and the wedge-shaped processus sphenoidalis, which are separated from each other by a wedge-palate, incisura sphenopalatina. The latter, with the adherent body of the sphenoid bone, forms a wedge-palatal opening, foramen sphenopalatinum.

The process of orbitalis, the process of the scalp, is attached to the orbit of the upper jaw; It often contains a cell that connects to the posterior cells of the trellis.

The sphenoid processus, processus sphenoidalis, approaches the lower surface of the body of the sphenoid bone, its shell and the vomer's wings.

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