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Chest bone , os zygomaticus, paired, is part of the lateral parts of the facial skull . Three surfaces are distinguished on it. Outside, the lateral surface faces, facies lateralis, irregularly quadrangular, convex, especially in the region of the protruding hillock.

Directed to the inside and anteriorly concave ophthalmic surface, facies orbitalis, is part of the outer and lower walls of the orbit and with the lateral surface converges with a sharp arcuate margin, complementary to the lower infraorbital margin, margo infraorbitalis.

The temporal surface, facies temporalis, faces towards the temporal fossa.

From the upper corner of the body of the bone extends the frontal process, processus frontalis. It connects to the zygomatic process of the frontal bone , forming a frontal -zygomatic suture, sutura frontozygomatica, and with a large wing of the sphenoid bone , forming a wedge-cheek suture, sutura sphenozygomatica. At the posterior edge of the upper third of the frontal process of the malar bone is the marginal tuberculum, the tuberculum marginale. On the orbital surface of the frontal process often there is a well-defined ophthalmic eminence, eminentia orbitalis.

Joining with the upper jaw, the malar bone forms a cheeky maxillary suture, sutura zygomaticomaxillaris.

On the orbital surface of the bone there is a cheek-eyed orifice, foramen zygomaticoorbitale, which leads to a bifurcating canaliculus inside the bone. One branch of this tubule opens on the front surface of the bone in the form of a zygomatic opening, foramen zygomaticofaciale, the other on the temporal surface in the form of a skull-shaped aperture, foramen zygomaticotemporale (these nerves pass through these tubules). On the same surface, an ophthalmic prominence is often expressed, eminentia orbitalis.

From the back corner of the malar bone, the temporal process departs, processus temporalis. It connects to the zygomatic process of the temporal bone by means of the temporal-zygomatic suture, sutura temporozygomatica, forming the zygomatic arch, arcus zygomaticus.

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