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Testicle. Epididymis

Egg , testis, is a paired gland located in the lower part of the scrotum.

The testicle is a somewhat flattened ellipsoidal organ. The length of the testicle on the average is 4.5 cm, width - 3 cm, thickness - 2 cm; The mass is 25-30 g.

In the testicle, the medial and lateral surfaces passing one another are differentiated, the facies medialis and facies lateralis, the anterior and posterior margins, margo anterior and posterior, the superior and inferior ends, extremitas superior et inferior.


The testicle is suspended on the spermatic cord (left below the right) behind the posterior edge in such a way that it is tilted with the upper end forward, and the lateral surface slightly back.

On the posterior margin of the testicle is its appendage, epididymis.

The testicle is formed by the parenchyma, parenchyma testis, enclosed in a dense connective tissue envelope, tunica albuginea. From the belly shell into the thickness of the gland are septa testis septula, which divide the gland into lobules of the testicle, lobuli testis. The septa are located radially, from the anterior margin and lateral surfaces of the testicle to the posterior margin of the testicle, in the upper part of which they are joined in the mediastinum. Mediation of the testicle, mediastinum testis, represents a thickening of the belly shell in the form of a wedge-shaped body, a spongy structure. The number of lobules in the testicle varies from 100 to 250. The shape of the lobules is similar to the cone, the apex facing the mediastinum.

Lobules contain convoluted seminiferous tubules, tubuli seminiferi contorti. In each lobule 3-4 seminal tubules, the length of each of them reaches 70-100 cm, and a diameter of 140 microns.

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The seminiferous tubules contain the seed-forming elements, from which the male sex cells- spermatozoa - develop . At the apex of the lobule, 3-4 seminal tubules merge into the direct seminiferous tubules, tubuli seminiferi recti. Entering the mediastinum of the testicle, the direct seminiferous tubules anastomose with each other, forming a network of testicles, rete testis. From this network, in the mediastinum, up to 18 tubule-bearing testicles are formed, ductuli efferentes testis, which perforate the belly and enter the head of the epididymis.

The egg with its appendage is enclosed in the vaginal envelope of the testicle, tunica vaginalis testis, which forms a closed serous cavity. Like all intraperitoneal organs, the testis is directly covered with a visceral plate, lamina visceralis, which passes over the posterior margin of the testicle into a parietal plate, lamina parietalis.

The visceral plate is firmly fused to the belly coat throughout its entire length; Only on the posterior margin, passing to the appendage, it forms an uncovered area, through which the testicle includes nerves and vessels.

The testicle , epididymis, is a long narrow paired formation lying along the posterior edge of each testicle. The appendage forms the main mass of the vas deferens. It differs: the upper part is the head of the epididymis, caput epididymis, broad and slightly blunted, protruding beyond the upper end of the testicle, the middle part is the epididymis epididymis, and the lower part is the tail of the epididymis, cauda epididymis, which extends into the duct of the epididymis Testicles, ductus epididymidis, which directly passes into the vas deferens, ductus deferens.

The head of the epididymis consists of lobules (cones) of the epididymis, lobuli epididymidis (coni epididymidis). Its tubules connect with the testicles of the testicles.

The body of the epididymis is prismatic. Its outer surface fuses with the parietal plate of the vaginal membrane, and the inner forms the posterior wall of the sinus of the epididymis.

The appendage of the testicle gradually, from top to bottom, flattenes, passes from the posterior edge to the lower end of the testicle and is attached by the lower ligament of the appendage, lig. Epididymidis inferius, to the visceral leaf of the vaginal shell of the testicle.

On the head of the epididymis there is sometimes a connective tissue formation - a testicle appendix, an appendix testis (appendage of the epididymis, appendix epididymidis), a vestigial organ. Above the head there is a vestigial remnant of the primary kidney in the form of a small formation - an appendage of a testicle pendant, paradidymis, consisting of convoluted tubules.

In the appendage it is possible to detect blind protrusions, the so-called deflecting grooves, ductuli aberrantes: the upper divergent duct, the ductulus aberrans superior, and the lower deflecting duct, the ductulus aberrans inferior, which have lost contact with the excretory duct.

The appendage is covered with a visceral plate of the vaginal shell of the testicle. Since the serous leaf comes between the body of the epididymis and the testicle, a scatty sinus is formed here, the epididymis epididymis, sinus epididymis. The upper and lower boundaries of the slit are serous folds, the upper and lower ligaments of the epididymis, ligg. Epididymidis superius et inferius.

Innervation: plexus testicularis and plexus deferentialis (sympathetic plexus). The plexus contains parasympathetic and sensitive fibers.

Blood supply: a. Testicularis (from aorta abdominalis), a. Ductus deferens (from a. Umbilicalis). Venous blood flows out by vv. Testiculares, forming the plexus venosus pampiniformis, which on the right runs into v. Cava inferior, and on the left - in v. Renalis sinistra. Lymphatic vessels carry lymph to the nodi lymphatici lumbales.

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