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Seed cords

Seedal cord , funiculus spermaticus, paired, rounded chest up to 18-20 cm long.

The spermatic cord is sent from the deep inguinal to the deep inguinal ring to the posterior periphery of the testicle . He hangs the egg and because it contains a muscle that lifts the testicle, m. Cremaster, raises an egg to the inguinal canal.

In the spermatic cord there are: the vas deferens, the ovarian artery, the venous plexus, the lymphatic vessels of the testicle, the nerves, arteries and veins from the vas deferens .

Elements of the spermatic cord are enclosed in the common sheaths of the spermatic cord and testicle, tunicae funiculi spermatici et testis. Their internal sheet corresponding to the transverse fascia of the stomach, fascia transversalis, was called the inner seminal fascia, fascia spermatica interna.

On this common shell is the muscle that lifts the egg , m. Cremaster, the muscle beams of which are connected by the connective tissue fibers forming the fascia of the muscle that lifts the testicle, fascia cremasterica. The latter, together with the said muscle and the surrounding tissues, is surrounded by the external seminal fascia, fascia spermatica externa, which is a continuation of the interleaved fibers, fibrae intercrurales, the aponeurosis of the external oblique abdominal muscle.

Part of the spermatic cord at the exit from the superficial inguinal ring is located in the scrotum .

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