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Seminal vesicles

The seminal vesicula seminalis, a paired organ, is located behind and on both sides of the bottom of the bladder , in front of the rectum . The seminal vesicle is a sacciform, blindly terminating tube up to 12 cm long, 6-7 mm thick, which forms a series of bends (knees) surrounded by connective tissue. In the unpressed form, the seminal vesicle has the form of an oblong, somewhat oblate body in the anteroposterior direction up to 5 cm long, up to 2 cm wide and 1 cm thick; In it are distinguished the upward and lateral wide part and the downward and medially narrow part - the excretory duct, ductus excretorius. The medial wall of the vesicle, directed toward the duct, is thicker than the lateral wall.

The cavity of the seminal vesicle represents a sinuous canal with lateral pockets forming a labyrinth on the incision. The stem of the seminal vesicle consists of elastic, smooth muscle and collagen fibers and forms a muscular membrane, tunica muscularis. The cavity of the vesicle is lined with a mucosa, the tunica mucosa, on which there are various forms of elevation, sometimes filling the lumen of the vesicle. Outside, each seminal vesicle is enveloped in an adventitial membrane, tunica adventitia.

Seminal vesicles with their anterior surface adjoin the bottom of the bladder, the back - to the ampulla of the rectum, separated from it by a fairly powerful connective tissue rectal-vesicular septum, septum rectovesicale. Medially from them is the ampulla of the vas deferens, ampulla ductus deferentis.

At the base of the prostate gland, the discharge duct of the vesicle merges with the distal end of the ampulla into the common ejaculatory duct, ductus ejaculatorius, which, passing through the prostate gland, opens with a slit-like opening on the surface of the mucous membrane of the urethra , on the side of the seed hillock, colliculus seminalis.

Innervation : nerves (sympathetic and parasympathetic) from plexus deferentialis (from the plexus hypogastricus inferior).

Blood supply: a. Rectalis media, a. Vesicalis inferior, downward branch a. Ductus deferentis (a. Umbilicalis). Venous blood flows into the plexus venosus vesicalis and iliaca interna. Lymphatic vessels divert lymph in the nodi lymphatici iliaci interni.

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