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Ovaries. Structure of the ovaries

Ovary , ovarium, - paired organ, the sex gland, in which the formation and maturation of eggs take place. The ovary is located at the lateral wall of the small pelvis transversely, at the upper aperture of the small pelvis on both sides of the uterine fundus, where it is attached through the mesentery to the posterior leaf of the broad ligament of the uterus, below the fallopian tube .

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Ovary bluish-white, slightly bumpy, oval, flattened. It distinguishes two surfaces - medial, facies medialis, and lateral, facies lateralis; The two margins are straight mesenteric, margo mesovaricus, and convex loose, margo liber; Two ends - facing the fimbria of the tube the tubular end, extremitas tubaria, and the more pointed, facing the uterus, the uterine end, extremitas uterina. The length of the ovary in a sexually mature woman is 2.5-5.0 cm, width 1.5-3.0 cm, thickness 0.5-1.5 cm. Ovary weight 5-8 g. Both the dimensions and weight of the ovaries are variable And depend on the age, individual characteristics and the state of the organism.

The mesenteric margin of the ovary is attached with the help of the peritoneal duplication - ovary mesentery, mesovarium, to the posterior leaf of the broad ligament of the uterus. Mesentery serves as a place for the entry of vessels and nerves from the broad ligament into the ovary's gates, hilum ovarii; This place is a narrow furrow, to which the mesentery of the ovary is attached. The free edge of the ovary hangs into the pelvic cavity.

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Ovary covered with a thin alveolus, tunica albuginea; There is an ovary in the cavity of the peritoneum, but the peritoneum is not covered and it fuses with it only with a mesenteric margin. Its free surface is covered with a single-layered superficial epithelium, which is located on the connective tissue membrane. Deeper than the white shell, the denser cortical ovary, cortex ovarii, and glandular tissue are located. Central lies the brain substance of the ovary, medulla ovarii, rich in blood vessels and loose connective tissue - ovarian stroma, stroma ovarii. The cortical substance in the area of ​​the ovary gates gradually becomes thinner. The degree of development of cortical and cerebral matter depends on age.

In the cortex are large, up to the size of a pea, numerous bubble globular sacs. They are in different stages of development. Follicles with smaller sizes are called primary ovarian follicles, folliculi ovarici primarii, and large follicles contain a follicular fluid called vesicular folliculi, folliculi ovarici vesiculosi.

The vesicular follicle represents a cavity lined with cells and surrounded by a connective tissue membrane; A female germ cell develops in the vesicle - an ovum, ovum.

Ripening, the follicle increases, moves to the surface of the ovary and protrudes somewhat above it. The wall of the ripened follicle is a thick connective tissue membrane of the follicle, theca folliculi, which bursts in the mature follicle. The reproductive cell emerging from the follicle is moved by the ovarian fimbria, fimbria ovarica, through the fallopian tube, tuba uterina, into the uterine cavity (the process of ovulation).

The follicle may not finish its development, and then it gradually resolves.

In place of the bursted follicle, the gland of internal secretion is formed - a cyclic (menstrual) yellow body, corpus luteum cyclicum (menstruationis), which later atrophies and turns into a whitish (white) body, corpus albicans, built from connective tissue. The whitish body subsequently disappears. In the case of the fertilization of the ovum, the yellow body remains until the end of pregnancy and is called the true yellow body of pregnancy, corpus luteum graviditatis, in contrast to the vanishing menstrual body.

The stroma of the ovary , stroma ovarii, consists of a connective tissue with a significant admixture of elastic fibers. It abounds with blood vessels that enter through the gates of the ovary; It also contains lymphatic vessels and nerves.

The ovary is located on the lateral wall of the small pelvis, surrounded by the upper, lateral and partly medially lateral part of the fallopian tube. The ovary adjoins the parietal leaf of the peritoneum with its tube end and lies in the so-called ovarian fossa, bounded from above by the external iliac vessels, vasa iliaca externa, posteriorly by internal iliac vessels, vasa iliaca interna, and ureter, in front of the lateral umbilical fold and from below - Uterine arteries, aa. Obturatoria et uterina. The medial surface of the ovary faces the peritoneal cavity of the small pelvis. The tube end of the ovary, facing the ovarian fringe, fimbra ovarica, the fallopian tube, is strengthened by a ligament that hangs the ovary, lig. Suspensorium ovari. This ligament fixes the ovary to the lateral surface of the pelvis, contains the vessels and nerves of the ovary. From the uterine end of the ovary to the edge of the uterus in the broad ligament of the uterus stretches its own ligament of the ovary, lig. Ovarii proprium; It ends on the lateral surface of the uterus below the fallopian tube.

Innervation: plexus ovaricus (plexus aorticus abdominalis), plexus hypogastricus inferior.

Blood supply: a. Ovarica (aorta abdominalis), rr. Ovarici (a. Uterina). Venous blood flows out by v. Ovarica, forming the plexus pampiniformis, and then in v. Cava inferior and v. Renalis sinistra. Lymphatic vessels carry lymph to the nodi lymphatici lumbales.

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