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Skull as a whole

The skull , cranium, is formed by separate bones that make up the skeleton of the head.
Studying the projections of the skull as a whole from various positions, it can be noted that its top view is defined as the vertical norm, norma verticalis, which is a vault, or roof, of the skull; From below - as a basilar norm, norma basilaris; Front - as a facial norm, norma facialis, which makes up the facial skull; At the back - like the occipital norma, norma occipitalis, which includes the occipital region of the cerebral cranium, and laterally - as a lateral norm, norma lateralis, represented by temporal, transverse fossa and a number of other bone formations. In addition, the skull is divided into two divisions: the upper part is the cranial vault , and the lower part is the base in which the outer base of the skull, the base cranii externa, and the inner base of the skull, the basis cranii interna, are distinguished.

Skull as a whole
The border separating these two large departments passes through a conventional line through the following formations:

  1. External occipital protrusion
  2. Upper outline
  3. Base of mastoid
  4. Upper edge of external auditory aperture
  5. The root of the malar process of the temporal bone
  6. Platen crest of the large wing of the sphenoid bone
  7. Wedge-shaped zygomatic suture
  8. Zygomatic process of frontal bone
  9. Supraorbital margin
  10. Nasal edge of frontal bone

Above this line is the cranial vault, below is the base of the skull.

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