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External intercostal muscles

External intercostal muscles , mm. Intercostales externi, start from the lower edges of the ribs, outward from the groove of the rib, are sent obliquely downward and anteriorly and are attached to the upper edges of the underlying ribs. They are absent in the area of ​​cartilage of the ribs, here their place is occupied by the outer intercostal membrane, membrana intercostalis externa. In the posterior sections of the thoracic wall, the outer intercostal muscles adjoin to mm. Levatores costarum.

Анатомия человека в картинках

Function: participate in the act of breathing (inhalation).

Innervation: nn. Intercostales (ThI, -ThXI).

Blood supply: aa. Intercostales rosteriores, thoracica interna, musculophrenica.

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