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Square lumbar muscle

Square lumbar muscle , m. Quadratus lumborum, paired, flat, filling the gap between the XII rib and the iliac crest; Flies on the back wall of the abdomen; From the deep muscles of the back it is separated by the lumbosacral fascia, fascia Thoracolumbalis, a deep leaf. The muscle consists of two parts - front and back. The front part is stretched from the inner lip of the iliac crest and the ilio-lumbar ligament to the XII rib and thoracic vertebra, and also to the medial arched ligament; The posterior part extends from the iliac crest and the same ilio-lumbar ligament to the transverse processes of IV-I lumbar vertebrae.

Анатомия человека в картинках

Function: pulls the iliac bone up, and XII rib - down; Participates in lateral flexions of the lumbar part of the spinal column; With bilateral cuts, pulls the lumbar spine backward.
Анатомия человека в картинках

Innervation: nn. Intercostales (ThXI, ThXII), nn. Lumbales (ThXII, LI-LIII),
Blood supply: aa. Subcostalis, lumbalis, iliolumbalis.
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