Directory of homeopathic medicines HEEL and treatment of diseases

Справочник гомеопатических препаратов HEEL и лечение заболеваний

Homeopathy (from Greek "similar" and "disease") is a kind of alternative medicine that involves the use of highly diluted drugs that presumably cause symptoms in healthy people similar to those of the patient's illness. The concept of treatment according to the pseudoscientific "similar to similar" ( Latin similia similibus curantur ) is counterposed to the principles of rational pharmacotherapy by homeopaths. The founder and author of the term is the German physician Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann.

The leader among the producers of complex homeopathic remedies is the company "Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH" (Germany). Created by the founder of the company, the German scientist H. K. Rekkeweg, the homotoxic trend in homeopathy served as the fundamental basis for the formation of a new concept for the treatment of complex homeopathic preparations of the Heel company - antihomotoxic therapy.

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Abropernol Tablets №50
Frostbite, intertrigo, eczema, multiple nodular erythema with exudative lesions, hyperkeratosis, hyperhidrosis.
Aconitum-Homaccord Drops of 30 ml.Ampoule 2.2ml.
Influenza and catarrhal infections (especially in the initial stage).
Aesculus compositum Drops of 30 ml.
Stimulation of protective mechanisms for: peripheral circulatory disorders, for example, smoker's feet, intermittent claudication, obliterating endarteritis, arteriosclerosis; elephantiasis; Pressure sores; Cholesterolemia; Dysmenorrhea; deafness; Postembolic circulatory disorders; Lymphatics; Post-stroke and post-infarction states.
Aesculus-Heel Drops of 30 ml.
Venous congestion, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, varicose eczema.
Albumoheel S Tablets №50
Albuminuria, including acute and chronic glomerulonephritis and kidney diseases.
Aletris-Heel Tablets №50
Conditions of exhaustion and general weakness.
Anacardium-Homaccord Drops of 30 ml.Ampoule 2.2ml.
Duodenal syndrome, duodenal ulcer, dumping syndrome, vomiting (morning).
Angin-Heel S Tablets №50
Angina; Tonsillar congestion.
Angio-Injeel Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Disturbances of coronary blood flow, ischemic heart disease.
Apis-Homacsord Drops of 30 ml.Ampoule 2.2ml.
Edema; Pustular and bullous eczema; Increased cerebral excitability.
Arnica-Heel Drops of 30 ml.
Acute or chronic localized or generalized inflammatory processes.
Arnica-Salbe-Heel S Ointment 50 g.
Wounds, inflammations, contusions, concussions, dislocations, fractures, bruises, boils, rheumatism, myalgia due to muscular overwork. Diseases of the arteries and veins.
Arsuraneel Tablets №50
Dyscrasia; marasmus.
Arteria-Heel Drops of 30 ml.
Violations of peripheral blood circulation.
Atropinum compositum Ampoule 2.2ml.
Atropinum compositum S Suppositories №12
Biliary colic; Renal colic; Umbilical colic in children, spastic cough; whooping cough; Dysmenorrhea.
Aurumheel N Tropfen Drops of 30 ml.
Vegetative and functional disorders of the cardiovascular system; hypotension; Disturbance of the heart rhythm.
Barijodeel Tablets №50
Atherosclerosis, especially cerebral vascular sclerosis. Lymphatics.
Belladonna-homaccord Drops of 30 ml.Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Localized inflammation, for example, angina, tonsillitis, boils, carbuncles.
Berberis-homaccord Drops of 30 ml.Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Inflammation or irritation (with or without stones) of the urogenital system and bile ducts.
Bronchalis-Heel Tablets №50
Bronchitis, including the catarrhal bronchitis of a smoker.
Bryaconeel Tablets №50
Neuralgia, including rheumatic origin; Influenza infections.
Cactus compositum S Drops of 30 ml.
Cactus compositum
Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Insufficiency of coronary circulation; cardiac ischemia.
Calcoheel Tablets №50
Violation of calcium metabolism, for example, exudative diathesis, scrofula, lymphatics.
Calendula-Salbe-Heel S Tablets №50
Difficult wounds, pyoderma, lichen eczema, skin lesions that occurred after chemical and physical effects, including burns with alkalis and acids, sunburn. Ulcer of the leg.
Cantharis compositum S Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Stimulation of nonspecific immunity in cystitis, pyelitis and nephritis.
Carbo compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Antitoxic regulating action for hemorrhage in the brain and myocardial infarction.
Cardiacum-Heel Tablets №50
Coronarospasm is mainly of functional origin, including vertebrogenic.
Causticum compositum
Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
As an additional tool for burns of various etiologies, after radiation therapy, for detoxification of the body after exposure to radium, cobalt, radioactive isotopes. Conditions of exhaustion.
Ceanothus-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Epigastric syndrome; Pancreopathy.
Cerebrum compositum Ampoule 2.2ml.
Stimulation of the processes of regeneration and nonspecific immunity in the retardation in mental and physical development in children; Legasthenia, autonomic dystonia, depression, atherosclerosis; Condition after concussion of the brain, encephalitis; Neuralgia, neurotic states; Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease; Memory disorders, neurasthenia and other geriatric changes.
Chelidonium-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Cholangitis; Cholecystitis; Biliary colic; Acute and chronic hepatitis; Obturation jaundice; Other liver diseases (mainly parenchyma). As an additional remedy for cardiac arrhythmias.
China-Homaccord S Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Exhaustion, impotence, weakness. The main therapeutic agent for osteochondrosis.
Cimicifuga-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Osteochondrosis, especially the cervical spine; Vertebral neuralgia and other neurological disorders.
Cinnamomum-Homaccord N Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Weak capillary bleeding; Tendency to bleeding.
Circulo-Injeel Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Violations of peripheral circulation; Acroparesthesia.
Cocculus-homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Kinetosis; State of exhaustion after overexertion.
Coenzyme compositum Ampullen Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Stimulation or normalization of the activity of blocked enzyme systems in degenerative diseases (cell phase).
Colchicum compositum mite s
Colchicum compositum medium S
Colchicum compositum forte S Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Pre and (or) postoperative therapy of neoplasms.
Colnadul Drops of 30 ml.
Arthritis and rheumatism of soft tissues (with exacerbations in wet weather).
Сolocynthis-Homaccord Ampoules of 2.2 ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Neuralgia, especially the sciatic nerve. Osteochondrosis, especially the lumbar spine.
Cor compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Disturbances of the coronary circulation after myocardial infarction, weakness of the heart muscle, heart failure, obliterating endarteritis, arterial hypertension, gastrocardial syndrome, cardiac arrhythmia, angina pectoris, emphysema, athletic heart, propensity to pulmonary edema.
Cralonin Tropfen
Drops of 30 ml.
Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Drops: application in accordance with a complex of symptoms, in the cupping of which are used individual components of the formulation: the aging heart, the consequences of damage to the heart muscle, neurogenic heart disorders, heart pain (ischemic nature).

Solution for injection: violations of the coronary circulation, coronary heart disease, pain in the heart of various genesis, infectious-toxic myocarditis, a condition after myocardial infarction.
Crataegus-Heel S Drops of 30 ml.
Weakness of the myocardium in old age or due to infectious-toxic damage; Disturbances of coronary blood flow.
Cruroheel S Tablets №50
Purulent fistulas, ulcers of the lower leg.
Cutis compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Stimulation of protective systems for dermatitis, dermatosis, eczema, allergies, scleroderma, acne vulgaris, erythema, dermatomycosis, dermal struma, kondildoma, ectema, impetigo contagious, neurodermatitis, microsporia, interdigital mycoses, bedsores, Dupuytren's contractures, alopecia, nevuses, Quincke edema, Elephantiasis.
Diarrheel S Tablets №50
Feverish, septic, toxic syndromes in bacterial and viral infections.
Discus compositum Ampulen Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Osteochondrosis. Diseases of the joints (chronic arthritis and arthrosis), especially neuralgic and rheumatic processes in the spinal column.
Droperteel Tablets №50
Bronchitis of various genesis, including stagnant. Whooping cough.
Drosera-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Pertussis, bronchiolitis, asthmatic bronchitis.
Dulcamara-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Any deterioration of well-being in wet weather. Hypertrophy of the tonsils.
Duodenoheel Tablets №50
Duodenitis, duodenal ulcer, increased acidity of gastric juice.
Echinacea compositum S
Echinacea compositum forte S
Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Stimulation of the body's defense system with: fever, inflammatory diseases, flu, furuncles, abscesses, phlegmon, intoxications, gingivitis, stomatitis, sinusitis, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, cystitis, pyelitis, colpitis, leukorrhea, adnexitis, glomerulonephritis, purulent fistula, osteomyelitis, inflammation of the middle Ear, skin diseases, mastitis, carbuncles, infectious mononucleosis.
Engystol N Ampoules of 2.2 ml.Tablets №50
For the activation of nonspecific defense mechanisms, especially for influenza and unidentified viral diseases with fever.
Erigotheel Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
Euphorbium compositum S Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Euphorbium compositum - Nasentrophen S Spray 20 ml.
Drops, solution for injection: acute and chronic sinusitis, eustachitis, edema of the middle ear.
Drops in the nose: rhinitis of various genesis (viral, bacterial, allergic), dry, hyperplastic and atrophic rhinitis, for auxiliary treatment of the lake. Chronic sinusitis. To facilitate nasal breathing during hay fever.
Ferrum-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
The "shoulder-arm" syndrome. Epicondylitis.
Galium-Heel Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Activation of nonspecific protective mechanisms, especially in chronic diseases.
Gastricumeel Tablets №50
Acute and chronic gastritis; heartburn; flatulence.
Gelsemium-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Cervical syndromes; Cervical migraine (osteochondrosis of the cervical spine); Neuralgia of different localization.
Ginseng compositum Drops of 30 ml.
Intoxication. Neoplasia.
Glonoin-Homaccord N Trophen Drops of 30 ml.
Glonoin-Homaccord Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Tachycardia, especially with hyperthyroidism. Angina pectoris.
Glyoxal compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Stimulation of the body's defenses in cases of intoxication, disorders of enzyme systems, gland function, with degenerative disorders (H. homogenous phases of H.Rekkeveg cell phases).
Graphites-Homaccord Drops of 30 ml.Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Eczema, especially dry, chronic. Long-term therapy of scars, keloid formations. Propensity to obesity.
Gripp-Heel Tablets №50Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Tablets: influenza and influenza infections. Reduced immunity in infectious diseases with fever.
Solution for injection: influenza and influenza infections.
Gynacoheel Drops of 30 ml.
Inflammatory diseases of female genitalia, for example, adnexitis (oophoritis, salpingitis), parametritis, myometritis, endometritis, colpitis.
Hamamelis-Homaccord Drops of 30 ml.Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Venous congestion, varicose eczema, thrombophlebitis.
Hamamelis-Salbe-Heel Ointment 50 g.
Venous congestion (hemorrhoids, varices). Telangiectasia. With increased sensitivity of the skin, with a tendency to irritation and inflammation of the skin, as well as cracks in the hands.
Hepar compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Stimulation of detoxification functions of the liver in acute and chronic liver diseases: cholangitis and cholecystitis; With functional disorders of the liver due to toxic lesions, as an auxiliary for dermatoses and dermatitis of various origin, toxic exanthema, neurodermatitis, hypercholesterolemia.
Hepeel Tablets №50Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Primary and secondary violations of the liver, various liver damage.
Homaccords are preparations that are available for oral administration in vials and in packs of 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 ampoules for parenteral use.
Hormeel S Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Functional disorders of the menstrual cycle. Auxiliary in the treatment of infertility. Regulation of endocrine system functions.
Husteel Drops of 30 ml.
Cough, for example, with colds, spastic bronchitis, pleurisy.
Ignatia-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Depression, especially exogenous origin; Paradoxical symptoms, hysterical aphonia.
Injeel-Chol Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Cholangitis, cholecystitis, stone formation in the gallbladder, liver dysfunction, chronic hepatitis.
Kalmia Compositum Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Diseases of the joints and connective tissue, for example, arthritis, arthrosis, periarthritis, tendon and ligament diseases, periosteal and connective tissue diseases of the vessels; (Syphilitic) heart disease, chronic dermatosis.
Kamillen-Salbe-Heel S Ointment 50 g.
For rough, sensitive skin, prone to inflammation; Bruises, burns, including sunburn and those that occurred with radiotherapy and UV irradiation; Pressure ulcers, wounds of the nipple of the breast, intertrigo; Are used to care for infants and young children.
Klimakt-Heel Tablets №50
Menopausal disorders.
Lamioflur Drops of 30 ml.
Diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, incl. Fluor albus, acute and chronic rhinitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
Leptandra compositum Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Epigastric syndrome, especially chronic liver and pancreas diseases in acute attacks (after a diet violation), bloating. To activate the immune system.
Lithimeel Tablets №50
Rheumatoid arthritis, diathesis with gout and rheumatism.
Luffa compositum-HEEL Spray 20 ml.
According to the homeopathic list of medicines | with hay fever
Lymphomyosot Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.Tablets №50
Lymphatics (a tendency to excessive development of lymphatic organs, to the formation of edema, to infections), swelling of the glands, hypertrophy of the tonsils and chronic tonsillitis.
Melilotus-Homaccord N Trophen
Melilotus-homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Fertility, predapopleksicheskie state, hypertension.
Mercurius-Heel S Tablets №50
Furunculosis, carbuncles and other suppuration, including, for example, and those that are in the tissues of the tonsils.
Metro-Adnex-Injeel Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Adnexitis, parametritis, myometritis, endometritis, vaginitis, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual pain, climacteric neuroses.
Mezereum-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Bubble eczema, shingles, prurit.
Molybdan compositum Tablets №50
Regulation of mineral metabolism, deficiency of any element after taking medication (including degenerative changes and neoplasms).
Momordica compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Regulating antihomotoxic effects in pancreatic and pancreatic function disorders; Diseases of the pancreas and epigastric region.
Mucosa compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Stimulation of protective forces in diseases of mucous membranes and catarrh of various types and localization, incl. Gastrointestinal tract with ulcers and without ulcers, in the upper and lower divisions of the respiratory tract, urethra and conjunctiva.
Naso-Heel S Drops of 30 ml.
Acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis.
Natrium-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Chronic catarrh of mucous membranes, scrofula.
Nervoheel Tablets №50
Psychosomatic disorders, climacteric neuroses.
Neuralgo-Rheum-Injeel Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Neuralgia, rheumatism of soft tissues, arthritis and disorders in intervertebral discs.
Neuro-Injeel Ampullen Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Psychosomatic painful conditions and depression.
Nux vomica-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Functional disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and liver, flatulence, disorders after taking alcohol, coffee or nicotine.
Oculoheel Tablets №50
Conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis (especially chronic forms).
Osteoheel S Tablets №50
Periodosty, exostosis, incl. Heel spurs, ringing in the ears as a consequence of the sclerosis.
Ovarium compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Stimulation of protective functions, functions of glands and connective tissue for dysmenorrhea, parametritis, myometritis, endometritis, enuresis (in girls), with climax, uncontrollable vomiting, lack of anterior pituitary gland in women, vulva vulva, mastodynia, osteomalacia, menorrhagia, Metabolic disorders, including senile.
Pectus-Heel Tablets №50
Complaints of pain in the throat.
Phosphor-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Hypothesis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, petechial bleeding.
Placenta compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Stimulation of peripheral circulation in atherosclerosis, gangrenous diseases of the lower extremities due to smoking, diabetes, gangrenous ulcers, elephantiasis, bedsores, dysmenorrhea, autonomic dystonia, endarteritis, endometritis, residual phenomena after encephalitis, after stroke, deafness in diseases of the inner ear.
Plantago-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Nocturnal enuresis, urinary incontinence, cystalgia.
Podophyllum compositum Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Hemorrhoidal disorders, catarrhal colitis, colitis with mucosal manifestations, preoperative and postoperative conditions in neoplasms.
Populus compositum SR Drops of 30 ml.
Disturbances of renal function and function of excretion, albuminuria, anxiety in the genitourinary system, cystopyelitis, cystitis, hydronephrosis, renal stone disease (as an auxiliary drug - and in bacteriuria), stage 1 prostate adenoma.
Procainum compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Recovery at the cellular level, incl. With precanarose; Support of protective systems, especially of the sympathetic nerve, systems of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland and the adrenal cortex.
Proctheel Drops of 30 ml.
Atony of the intestine, intestine catarrh.
Psorinoheel Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Use in alternative therapy for all chronic diseases, especially for skin diseases, liver damage.
Pulsatilla compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Activation of mesenchymal protection; Stimulation of immune systems, especially connective tissue, to increase the impact of naturopathic drugs and for the therapy of cellular phases; Reactivation of affected immune systems, especially after surgery.
Ranunculus-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Intercostal neuralgia, pleural pain, shingles.
Rauwolfia compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Elevated blood pressure, essential hypertension.
Reneel Tablets №50
Inflammatory diseases in the urethra, with and without stone formation.
Rheuma-Heel Tablets №50
Rheumatism of soft tissues, (peri) arthritic disorders.
Rhododendroneel S Drops of 30 ml.
Neuralgia, rheumatism of soft tissues and arthritic disorders, especially in cases of exacerbation in wet weather.
Sabal-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
The first degree of prostate adenoma (with an external examination of an enlarged prostate), cystalgia.
Schwef-Heel Drops of 30 ml.
Dermatoses prone to irritation of eczema, pyoderma; Stimulation of protective mechanisms.
Selenium-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Decreased mental abilities, especially as a result of atherosclerosis.
Solidago compositum S Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Activation of immune mechanisms in acute and chronic diseases of the kidney and urinary tract, such as cystitis, cystopyelitis, kidney stones, hydronephroses, nocturnal enuresis, urinary incontinence, stage 1 prostate adenoma, narrowing of the urethra, nephroses, nephrosclerosis, hypertension, acute glomerulonephritis; For stimulation of the extremal functions of the kidneys, incl. In the case of hyperhidrosis, sweating of the soles of the feet, eczema.
Spascupreel Tablets №50Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Spascupreel S Suppositories №12
Spasms of smooth muscles of hollow organs (stomach, intestine, gallbladder, uterus, urethra), spasms of striated musculature (myogeoses, tired muscles).
Spigelon Tablets №50Drops of 30 ml.Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Strophantus compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Antihomotoxic regulatory effects in cardiac circulatory disorders, for the prevention and therapy of myocardial infarction.
Strumeel Tablets №50
Strumeel forte N Drops of 30 ml.
Goiter parenchymal (diffuse, juvenile-juvenile), goiter prevention, atherosclerosis and other conditions, where iodine is indicated.
Sulfur-Heel Tablets №50
Dermatoses, eczema, itching of the skin and mucous membranes, prurit.
Syzygium compositum Drops of 30 ml.
Activation of glandular defense systems and functions in senile diabetes and related health disorders.
Tanacet-Heel Drops of 30 ml.
The state of nervous irritation of the genuinous type, especially when infected with worms; Loss of appetite (in combination with bulimia).
Tartephedreel Drops of 30 ml.
Bronchitis, especially asthmatic; Bronchial asthma, protracted cough; Cough in scrofulous children; Catarrh of bronchi, larynx, various forms of pertussis; The drug is indicated for catarrhal airway diseases.
Testis compositum Ampullen Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Stimulation of functions of organs, incl. With impotence of reproductive age, accelerated ejaculation, exhaustion, osteomalacia, bedwetting, progressive muscular dystrophy, depletion states, diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders; Liver damage; Promotes regressive vicariation.
Thalamus compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Stimulation of central regulatory functions in degenerative diseases and neoplasms.
Thyreoidea compositum Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Thyroid dysfunction, the stimulation of the gland function, as well as the protective systems and functions of connective tissue, especially in precancerosa, carcinomas and sarcomas, hypernephroma, progressive muscular dystrophy, myxedema, Induratio penis plastica, obesity, bronchial asthma, nevi, scleroderma, elephantiasis, osteochondrosis and Arthrosis.
Tonico-Injeel Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
The states of physical and mental exhaustion; Mental development disorders in children.
Tonsilla compositum Ampullen Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Stimulation of the lymphatic system, improvement of the body's defenses in exudative diathesis, lymphatic development disorders in children, dystrophy, complications after encephalitis, erythema, toxic exanthemas, elephantiasis, empyema; With the consequences of incorrect therapy, for example, with granulopenia, agranulocytosis and leukemia, Induratio penis plastica, scleroderma, chronic gout, primary chronic polyarthritis, in the early stages of neoplasms.
Traumeel S Drops of 30 ml.Tablets №50Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Ointment 50 g.
Drops, tablets, solution for injections: injuries, sprains, sprains, hemorrhages and outflows to the joint, bone fractures, swelling after operations and after trauma, swelling of soft tissues, inflammatory and degenerative processes in various organs and tissues, especially the musculoskeletal system Tenosynovitis, styloiditis, epicondylitis, bursitis, periarthritis), arthrosis of joints, acute concussions of the brain.

Ointment: bruises, injuries of various kinds (sports, accidents), sprains, fractures, concussions, hemorrhages and hemorrhages in the joints, fractures, etc., inflammatory processes and degenerative processes, combined with inflammation of various organs and tissues (periodontitis, Parodontosis, suppuration of the gums), especially in the locomotor apparatus (tendovaginitis, bursitis, epicondylitis of the shoulder), arthrosis of the joints.
Ubichinon compositum Ampullen Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Stimulation of protective mechanisms for the restoration of blocked enzyme systems in the case of disorders of enzyme functions and degenerative diseases (cell phases).
Valerianaheel Drops of 30 ml.
As a sedative in conditions of anxiety, anxiety, neurasthenia.
Veratrum-Homaccord Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.
Gastroenteritis, states of collapse.
Vertigoheel Ampoule 2.2ml.Drops of 30 ml.Tablets №50
Dizziness of different nature (especially as a result of atherosclerosis). The application corresponds to the homeopathic description of the drug.
Viburcol Suppositories №12
Candles for infants and children when excited with fever and without, symptomatic treatment of various simple infections.
Viscum compositum mite Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Viscum compositum medium
Viscum compositum forte
Biotherapy in cellular phases; Both for preoperative and postoperative therapy for neoplasms.
Vomitusheel Drops of 30 ml.
Vomitusheel S Suppositories №12
Vomiting and nausea of ​​various origins.
Ypsiloheel Tablets №50
Vegetative dystonia, a hysterical lump, a spasm in the throat at the beginning of a hysterical fit.
Zeel P Ampoules of 2.2 ml.
Zeel Tablets №50
Zeel T Ointment 50 g.
Arthrosis (in particular gonarthrosis, polyarthrosis, spondylarthrosis, humeroscapular periarthritis).
Self-medication may be harmful to your health
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"Heel" (Latin "Herba est ex luce" - plant from light) is the name of the pharmaceutical company, which in 1936 was created by the German scientist and practicing doctor of medicine Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg. The founder of homotoxicology was born on May 9, 1905 in the family of a teacher. His father was interested in homeopathy and other types of biological medicine, made a number of homeopathic recipes and was able to instill interest in this field of medicine for his sons.

In 1929, Reckeweg received a doctor's diploma, after which he worked as an assistant doctor for 3 years. In May 1932, he opened a private homeopathic practice in Berlin. Working, Reckeweg carefully records all the symptoms of illness in his patients, as well as the nature of the development of disease. In addition, he experiences the action of homeopathic remedies. At this time he begins to independently develop new drugs, which resulted in the creation in 1935 of the company "Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH", the trademark of which was the logo "Heel". Antihomotoxic therapy is gaining increasing confidence in representatives of classical medicine. Annually candidate and doctoral dissertations are defended, which reflects the results of research on the effects of antihomotoxic drugs.

The first preparations of the firm (1935) were: Angin-Hel, Traumeel, Gripp-Hel, and others . Later appeared 34 more drugs. Currently, the Heel plant in Baden-Baden produces about 1,500 products, and the products are sold in 50 countries. They are produced in all modern dosage forms (injection solutions (ampoules), tablets, drops, suppositories, ointments, gels and sprays), with a different composition and number of components (special, composite, homaccords, inels).

The theoretical basis of the homeopathic principle does not correspond to the scientific concepts of the functioning of a healthy and sick organism, and the performed clinical trials of homeopathic preparations did not reveal differences between a homeopathic medicine and a placebo. This means that any positive sensations after treatment with homeopathy are explained by the placebo effect and natural recovery after the illness. Trivial calculations show that in preparations with dilutions of 12C and higher, the probability of having at least one molecule of the active substance is close to zero. For these reasons, the scientific community regards homeopathy as pseudoscience, quackery or fraud.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns against homeopathic treatment of infectious and any other serious diseases. As the experts of the organization note, "the use of homeopathy has no evidence base, and in cases when it is used as an alternative to the basic treatment, it poses a real threat to the health and life of people."

The Committee on Science and Technology of the British Parliament in February 2010 issued a 275-page document on the verification of the evidence base of homeopathy. According to the Committee's conclusions, state health insurance should not cover homeopathic treatment, because "systematic evaluation and meta-analysis ultimately demonstrate that homeopathic products work no better than placebo." The committee also told the Agency for the Control of Medicines and Health that it is not worthwhile to license homeopathic medicines, as this creates the illusion that the public is being offered really topical medications. Among the findings of the document are also estimates of the basic principles of homeopathy. According to these conclusions, the principle of "treating like-like" has no theoretical basis and is not able to provide a reasonable regimen for the therapeutic use of homeopathic products, and the idea that persistent traces of dissolved substances persist at super-strong dilution is scientifically untenable.