Escolus compositum (Homeopathic remedies Heel)

Aesculus compositum
Escolus compositum


Composition: 100 ml contains: Aesculus D1 10 ml; Secale cornutum D3, Viscum album D2, Tabacum D10, Solanum nigrum D6, Arnica D3, Echinacea angustifolia D2, Baptisia D4, Rhus toxicodendron D4, Cuprum D13, Ruta D4, Dulcamara D4, Colchicum D4, Baryum jodatum D6, Hamamelis D4 , Apis mellifica D4, Acidum benzoicum D4, Eupatorium cannabinum D3, Arteria D10, Natrium pyruvicum D8, 1 ml. Contains alcohol 35 volume%.

Indications: Stimulation of protective mechanisms with: peripheral circulatory disorders, for example, smoker's feet, intermittent claudication, obliterating endarteritis, arteriosclerosis; elephantiasis; Pressure sores; Cholesterolemia; Dysmenorrhea; deafness; Postembolic circulatory disorders; Lymphatics; Post-stroke and post-infarction states.

Contraindications: Pregnancy or increased flair for the preparations from the plant Rhus toxicodendron. It is impossible to take with the thyroid gland without advice from a doctor.

Side Effects: None known

Combined use with other drugs: No special features

Dosage: Usually 10 drops 3 times a day, in acute cases, initially 10 drops every 15 minutes.

Form of release and packing: The bottle-dropper contains 30 or 100 ml each.

A brief description of indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Aesculus Venous stasis and related diseases. Hemorrhoids. Secale cornutum Convulsions of the uterus (dysmenorrhea), circulatory disorders in diseases of the arteries, a tendency to bleed Viscum album High or low blood pressure, dizziness. Narrowing of the coronary vessels of the heart and disturbance of the heart rhythm. Disease of joint wear (and flebarthrosis). Tabacum Low blood pressure. Angina pectoris. In addition: Buerger-Winnivarter's disease, angiospasms (Reynold's disease), intermittent claudication. Symptoms of irritation of the brain and meninges. In addition: encephalomalacia, disorientation, numbness. Diseases of arteries and veins. Echinacea angustifolia Supportive therapy of severe infections with high temperature (stimulation of protective mechanisms). Baptisia Severe infectious diseases with fever. Confusion. In addition: weakness. Rhus toxicodendron Infectious diseases with temperature and stupor. Rheumatic pains in the bones, periosteum, joints, tendons and muscles. Consequences of injuries and overstrain. In addition: increased irritability and excitability, intensifying in damp cold weather. Cuprum Epilepsy. Spasms of skeletal and smooth muscles, spasms of blood vessels, including vessels of the heart. Ruta Physical overstrain. Phlebeurysm. Dulcamara Infection with temperature. Inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, joints, skins, caused by hypothermia in wet weather (T is a weather-resistant agent). Colchicum Gout in acute or chronic stage. Acute articular rheumatism. Tendovaginitis. Barium jodatum Increased arterial pressure and calcification of blood vessels (cerebrosclerosis). Hamamelis Varicose veins. Hemorrhoids. Bleeding mucous. Apis mellifica Inflammatory processes, however similar to disease, accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in tissues or cavities (and the general puffiness). Allergy. Acidum benzoicum e resina Rheumatic, gouty (urine acid diathesis) diseases and degenerative joint diseases. Eupatorium cannabinum Flu-like conditions with fever. Arteria suis Disturbances of the arterial blood circulation, including diabetes, nodular periarteritis, Buerger-vinivarter's hives, intermittent claudication, calf muscle cramps, tendency to gangrene. Natriumpyruvat Disorders of peripheral circulation (with diabetes) with a tendency to fever (frostbite), trophic ulcers and gangrene.

The action of Aesculus compositum can be enhanced by parenteral therapy with the preparations Circulo-Injeel and Placenta compositum; For the activation of detoxification processes, Hepar compositum (detoxification functions of the liver) and Populus compositum (for activation of kidney functions) are additionally shown; Lymphomyosot and Apis-Homaccord are additionally prescribed for the treatment of connective tissue and kidney function, however, biological preparations of universal effect - Psorinoheel, Galium-Heel, Schwef-Heel, Sulfur-Heel, Nux vomica-Homaccord, Calcoheel, etc., appear similar.

With hypertension, Rauwolfia compositum is additionally assigned, but it seems that Coenzyme compositum, Ubichinon compositum, Glyoxal compositum activating blocked enzyme functions. Proceeding from the principles of complex effects on the sick organism, in the treatment of circulatory disorders, Cor Compositum, Cralonin, Aurumheel (drops), Melilotus-Homaccord (drops), Glonoin-Homaccord N (droplets), Cardiacum-Heel are additionally used; With apoplexy - Carbo compositum; With myocardial infarction - Strophanthus compositum.

Taking into account hormonal regulation of blood circulation, Thyreoidea compositum (affects connective tissue, prevents the appearance of tumors) and Discus compositum (nerve irritations in combination with paresthesia in osteochondrosis, etc.) is recommended,

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