Albumochel c (Homeopathic remedies Heel)

Albumoheel® S
Albumochel C

Composition : 1 tablet contains: Apis mellifica D4, Phosphorus D6, Ignatia D4, Veratrum D4, Hydrargyrum bichloratum D8, 30 mg; Terebintina D8 90 mg; Nux moschata D6 60 mg.

Indications: Albuminuria, including acute and chronic glomerulonephritis and kidney diseases.

Contraindications: None known.

Side effects: Salivation is possible, in connection with which it is necessary to stop taking the drug.

Dosage: Usually 1 tablet per mouth 3 times a day. For acute diseases - every 15-30 minutes for 1 tablet for 1-2 hours.

Form of release and packing: The package contains 50 or 250 tablets.

Brief description of indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Apis mellifica Inflammatory processes, only similar to the disease, accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in tissues or cavities (and the general puffiness). Allergy. Phosphorus Inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system (including nephritis with hematuria and cylindruria and facial puffiness). Severe infectious diseases. Conditions accompanied by physical exhaustion. Heart failure, circulatory disorders. Bleeding. Diseases of blood and blood vessels. Ignatia Nervous disorders (eg, nervous exhaustion, autonomic dystonia). Changes in the attitude of the spirit towards the growth of depressive symptoms. Veratrum Threatening circulatory failure. Nerve pain. In addition: muscle cramps, in particular gastrocnemius. Hydrargyrum bichloratum Severe acute inflammation of the kidneys (with albuminuria) and urinary tract. Terebinthina Albuminuria, oliguria, hematuria with cystopyelitis, nephrolithiasis. Glomerulonephritis and nephrosis. The urine owns the smell of violets. Nux moschata Digestive disorders with flatulence. Perceptual disorders (eg, stupor, stupor, delirium).

Based on the homeopathic components that make up this preparation, Albumoheel S is prescribed with irritations in the districts of the urinary tract. It can be used for drug maintenance therapy for albuminuria, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, focal jade as if a retoxic phase after a sore throat, with a kidney stone disease; With cystitis and cystopyelitis, under stress (after physical overexertion or retoxic impregnation), especially with agony in the adrenal region right (right under the right scapula). With left-sided agony of the kidneys and adrenals, Berberis-Homaccord has the best response. When agony in the county edges is additionally shown Ranunculus-Homaccord. With the prostatitis, Cruroheel S, Sabal-Homaccord, Hormeel S and the like are similarly shown.

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