Arnika-salbe-heel with (Homeopathic remedies Heel)

Arnika-Salbe-Heel C

Ingredients : 100 g contains: Arnica extract from flowers, alcoholic viscous (5: 1) 0.3 g.

Indications: Wounds, inflammations, bruises, contusions, dislocations, fractures, bruises, furuncles, rheumatism, myalgia due to muscular overwork. Diseases of the arteries and veins.

Contraindications: Increased flair for arnica preparations or components of the ointment base.

Side effects: In rare cases, skin allergic reactions are possible. Avoid contact with conjunctiva, mucous and open wounds. With the appearance of hurray, hyperemia, swelling, areas of hyperthermia on the skin with close arteries or veins, urgent consultation of a specialist doctor is needed.

Combined use with other drugs: No special features.

Way of use: In the morning or in the evening, if necessary, more often, apply ointment on the skin to that room, where you experience anxiety, and rub it; In the initial stage, you can apply a bandage with ointment.

Form release and packing: The tube contains 50 g of ointment.

Brief description of indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Arnica Bleeding of any genesis. Myalgia after overexertion. Diseases of the arteries and veins.

The extract of arnica flowers hinders the development of inflammatory processes (antiphlogistic effect), promotes the healing of wounds (granulation) and exerts a tonic counteraction to the vessels, immediately expanding the capillaries, tightening the micro-ruptures of the vessels and dissolving the inflammatory edema and bruises. In addition, it is similar to a local anesthetic and antiseptic act.

At the same time, it is recommended to prescribe medications containing arnica: Arnica-Heel, Traumeel S, Angin-Heel S, Aurumheel (droplets), Barijodeel, Cardiacum-Heel, Rheuma-Heel, Pectus-Heel or Arteria-Heel.

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