Arsuranel (Homeopathic remedies Heel)


Composition : 1 tablet contains: Arsenicum album D5, Acidum aceticum D4, Acidum phosphoricum D4, 15 mg; China D4, Strychninum nitricum D6, 60 mg; Secale cornutum D4, Condurango D4, 30 mg; Curare D12 75 mg.

Indication: dyscrasia; marasmus.

Dosage: Usually 1 tablet 3 times a day. In case of serious illnesses for initiating therapy, the dosage is 1 tablet every 15 minutes (no more than 2-4 times).

Form of release and packing: The package contains 50 or 250 tablets.

Brief description of the indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Acidum arsenicosum (Arsenicum album) Inflammatory processes, any localization and any genesis, regardless of the degree of their severity. Severe infections. Ill be weary. Benign and malignant furuncle. Dreary disposition of the spirit. Acidum aceticum Anemia. Bleeding. Falling of forces with puffiness of tissues. Acidum phosphoricum States of physical and mental exhaustion. Disorders of calcium metabolism. Diarrhea. China Elevated temperature. Inflammation of the respiratory tract. Acute diarrhea, other digestive disorders. Bleeding mucous. Anemia. General exhaustion. Neuralgia. Strychninum nitricum Increased nervousness (irritable weakness). Secale cornutum Cramps of the uterus, muscle cramps, paralysis, paresis, paresthesia, varicose veins, tendency to bleeding. Condurango Cracks and purulent ulcerations of the lips, painful cracks in the corners of the lips, anus. Eosophagitis and stricture of the esophagus. Curare Paralyzes . Impotence of the muscles. Convulsions.

Based on the homeopathic components that make up this drug, Arsuraneel is prescribed for dyskrazii, eczema, especially chronic; With deprivation, itching of different localization and onset; Cachectic conditions, especially with acute or chronic diseases (in combination with mental depressions, for example, in renal colic); It is indicated for any severe intoxication, after improper diets or in the reception of poor food (after which, for example, kidney stones or kidney colic appear), regardless of whether the disease is acute (eg sepsis) or chronic. The antihomotoxic reverse effect of arsenic is particularly clearly manifested in those cases when the patient himself does not rely on recovery for himself. This drug is shown to appear as if an additional remedy for diseases of the cellular phases, prone (in contrast to the indications for Galium-Heel) to the education of gangrene, the spread of phlegmon, etc.

Arsuraneel is especially indicated in those cases when it is necessary to achieve regressive vicariation by the route of renewal of disturbed intracellular enzyme mechanisms. Homotoxins found in the body must be excreted through inflammatory processes (reactive phases), which manifests itself in the form of abscesses, sore throats, or exacerbations of old focal diseases. In such cases, Arsuraneel is used for initiating therapy with Cruroheel S and Bryaconeel. Such counteraction it has, for example, with skin diseases accompanied by itching, or with chronic otitis (along with Cruroheel S, Traumeel S, etc.)

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