Dropertel (Homeopathic remedies Heel)


Composition : 1 tablet contains: Drosera D4 90 mg; Lachesis D12, Carbo vegetabilis D12 75 mg; Coccus cacti D4, Kalium carbonicum D12 to 30 mg.

Indications: Bronchitis of various genesis, including stagnant. Whooping cough.

Dosage: Usually 1 tablet 3 times a day. In acute cases, start with 1 tablet every 15 minutes.

Form of release and packing: The package contains 50 or 250 tablets.

Brief description of the indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Drosera Inflammatory respiratory diseases and in particular whooping cough. Lachesis Inflammation and bleeding of mucous membranes. Infections. Cardiovascular failure. Besides that, night attacks of a cough with a feeling of suffocation. Inflammatory respiratory disease. Hoarseness. Cardiovascular failure. Coccus cacti Inflammation of the respiratory tract (convulsive cough with sticky fibrous sputum). Kalium carbonicum Chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract and pleura. The accumulation of fluid in the tissues. General impotence.

Based on the homeopathic components of this drug, Droperteel is prescribed for whooping cough, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, bronchial asthma, laryngitis, pleurisy in combination with a strong cough, with other convulsive forms of coughing (along with Tartephedreel, Husteel, Bronchalis-Heel, Drosera- Homaccord, Bryaconeel, Phosphor-Homaccord, etc.), but similar to congestive bronchitis and emphysema.

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