Echinacea compositum (Homeopathic remedies Heel)

Echinacea compositum S Echinacea compositum forte S Echinacea compositum With Echinacea compositum forte S

Composition : Echinacea compositum C : 100 ml contains: Echinacea angustifolia D3, Aconitum D3, Sanguinaria D4, Sulfur D8, Baptisia D4, Lachesis D10, Bryonia D6, Eupatorium perfoliatum D6, Pulsatilla D8, Hydrargyrum bichloratum D8, Thuja D8, Influezinum D13, Phosphorus D8, Cortisonacetat D13, Streptococcinum D18, Staphylococcinum D18, Phytolacca D6, Pyrogenium D198, Zincum D10, Gelsemium D6, Hepar sulfuris D10, Rhus toxicodendron D4, Arnica D4, Acidum arsenicosum D8, Argentum nitricum D8, Euphorbium D6, 1 ml. Echinacea compositum forte C : 100 ml contains: Echinacea angustifolia D3 20 ml; Aconitum D5, Sanguinaria D6, Sulfur D10, Baptisia D6, Lachesis D12, Bryonia D8, Eupatorium perfoliatum D8, Pulsatilla D10, Hydrargyrum bichloratum D8, Thuja D10, Influezi-num D15, Phosphorus D10, Cortisonacetat D15, Streptococcinum D20, Staphylococcinum D20, Phytolacca D8, Pyrogenium D198, Zincum D10, Gelsemium D8, Hepar sulfuris D12, Rhus toxicoden-dron D6, Arnica D6, Acidum arsenicosum D10, Argentum nitricum D10, Euphorbium D8, 1 ml.

Indications: Stimulation of the body's protection system with: fever, inflammatory diseases, flu, furuncles, abscesses, phlegmon, intoxications, gingivitis, stomatitis, sinusitis, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, cystitis, pyelitis, colpitis, leukorrhea, adnexitis, glomerulonephritis, purulent fistula, osteomyelitis, Inflammations of the middle ear, skin lesions, mastitis, carbuncles, infectious mononucleosis.

Contraindications: Echinacea compositum C: increased flair for preparations from Rhus toxicodendron. Echinacea compositum forte C: chronic progredient inflammatory processes, leukemia, diabetes mellitus, increased flair for preparations from Sanguinaria and Rhus toxicodendron.

Side effects: Salivation is possible, after which it is necessary to stop using the drug.

Combined application with other means: No special features.

Dosage: Intramuscular or intravenous injections, servings should be selected individually for each patient depending on the patient's response. If a quick and obvious reaction is needed, Echinacea compositum Forte C is prescribed. If a mild reaction is needed, for example, with fever in the patient, then Echinacea compositum C is used. For general stimulation of protective systems: 1 ampoule subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intradermally or, if necessary, Intravenously 1-3 times a week.

Form of release and packing: The package contains 5, 10, 50 or 100 ampoules of 2.2 ml.

Brief description of indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Echinacea angustifolia Supportive therapy of severe febrile infections (stimulation of cellular immunity). Aconitum Acute feverish conditions. Acute heart attacks. Sanguinaria Migraine. Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. Rheumatism. Sulfur Various, especially chronic skin diseases, itchy eczema and pustular diseases skin (especially dirty skin with itching and unwanted body odor). Inflammatory bowels of the gastrointestinal tract. Hepatic function disorders. Neurotic disorders. Weakness. Violations of behavior and perception. In addition: constitutional, "reactionary and perestroika" means, stimulating immunity. Baptisia Severe febrile infections. General detoxification of blood (sepsis, septicemia, lowering of immunity). Confusion of consciousness. Lachesis Inflammation and bleeding of mucous membranes. Dysfunction of the glands. Infectious diseases. General disintoxication therapy of the blood system. Inflammation of the veins. Angina pectoris. Cardiovascular failure. Neuralgia. Rheumatism. Convulsions. Parezy. Violations of behavior and perception. Bryonia Acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, pleura, peritoneum, liver. Acute and chronic rheumatic diseases (synovitis). Eupatorium perfoliatum Influenza and influenza infections with fever. Diseases of the hepatobiliary system with fever. Rheumatism. Pulsatilla Skin diseases. Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, a tendency to catarrhal diseases. Violations of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, including inflammation. Pathology of female genital organs, including inflammatory ones. Vaginitis with secretions. Cystitis with impaired emptying of the bladder. Rheumatic diseases. Inflammatory diseases of the eye, ear. Measles. Parotitis. Cephalgia. Sleep disorders. Neuropsychiatric disorders. Behavioral disorders. Hydrargurum bichloratum Acute conjunctivitis. Acute inflammation of the oral mucosa, tonsils, thick and rectum, kidneys, urinary tract, vagina. Thuja Diseases of skin and mucous membranes. Digestive disorders. Rheumatism. Disorders of the disposition of the spirit. Grippe-Nosode Influenza infections. Phosphorus Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, genitourinary organs. Severe infectious diseases. Disorders of development and state of exhaustion. Cardiovascular pathology (pain in the soul, impotence of the myocardium, etc.). Hemorrhages. Rheumatism. Neuralgia and cephalalgia. Increased sense of sense organs. Eye diseases. Violations of behavior and mood. Cortisonacetat Pathology of the adrenal gland, anterior lobe of the pituitary gland and connective tissue. Streptococcinum Diseases caused by streptococci, for example, angina, musculo-articular rheumatism, nephritis, endocarditis. Staphylococcinum Diseases caused by staphylococcus, for example, barley, blepharitis, furuncle, acne, cystopyelitis, osteomyelitis, inflammation of the middle ear. Phytolacca Acute infectious conditions with fever. Inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes, especially the respiratory tract, are only similar to the mammary glands (including other diseases). Rheumatic diseases. Pyrogenium Severe acute infections with fever. In addition: propensity to septic conditions (chills and fever). Cramps and neuralgia. Diseases of the spine, brain and spinal cord. Conditions of exhaustion. Disorders of the disposition of the spirit. Sleep disorders. Gelsemium of the Cefalgia . Neurotic disorders. Infectious diseases. Paralysis and convulsions. Hepar sulfuris Purulent inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes (furuncles, otitis media, tonsillar abscess). Predisposition to the pathology of the lymphatic system. Irritability. Rhus toxicodendron Skin sickness with itching. Acute infectious conditions with dizziness. Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, eyes. Disorders of the menstrual cycle. Cephalgia. Neuralgia. Paralysis. Dizziness. Pain of rheumatic genesis in bones, periosteum, joints, tendons and muscles. Consequences of injuries and overstrain. States of fear, anxiety and disruption of the spirit. Arnica Bleeding of various origins. Myalgia after overexertion. Diseases of veins and arteries. Acidum arsenicosum Inflammatory processes of varying severity and localization. Severe infections. Diseases of wear. Disorders of the disposition of the spirit. Argentum nitricum Digestive diseases. Migraine. In addition: normalization of mucous functions. Euphorbium Acute inflammation of the skin, respiratory tract (especially the higher - rhinitis, sinusitis).

This preparation contains homeopathic components shown in reactive phases, septic states and viral diseases, only nosodes and microelements are similar. Due to this, it has an antihomotoxic reverse effect in various reactive phases, especially in those cases when severe regurgitation of inflammation occurs in the regressive vicaria (used interchangeably with Traumeel S, Engystol N, Hepar compositum).

For febrile reactive phases, the species Echinacea compositum S is usually used. But with some particularly severe intoxications (for sepsis, chronic infections, primary chronic polyarthritis, precancerosa and malignancy), at which time the effect of Echinacea components is required, the species Echinacea compositum forte S.

At cellular phases immune systems of an organism are blocked. Due to violations of the activity of enzyme mechanisms of detoxification, intermediate homotoxins that cause secondary syndromes and toxic symptoms are activated. In such cases, especially in the phases of degeneration and neoplasms, "shock therapy" (Spitzi) is recommended by appropriate pharmacological preparations.

To stimulate protective systems and to activate the ventilation functions, it is recommended to multiply portions of the drug according to the following scheme: 1st day - 0.5 ampoules of Echinacea compositum forte S intravenously; 2nd day - 1 ampoule of Echinacea compositum forte S intravenously; 3rd day - 1 ampoule of Echinacea compositum forte S intravenously; 4th day - 2 ampoules of Echinacea compositum forte S intravenously; 5th day - 2 ampoules Echinacea compositum forte S; 6th and 7th day - skip.

After this course, switch to 1 intravenous injection every other day; Only after - 1 injection per week.

If, after intravenous injection of Echinacea compositum forte S, the fever does not subside until the next day, it is necessary to miss one day (not to act on injections) to give the body's protective systems time for reaction.

After this, it is necessary to find out whether this fever was only an intermediate reaction, or the word moves about the general reaction of detoxification of the body; In this case it is necessary to take into account that inflammations are biologically important irreplaceable reactions of detoxification. At the same time (from the point of view of the processes of regressive vicariation according to Reckeweg), it is possible to convert the degenerative phases and neoplasms into reactive phases and even cure them.

A favorable regressive vicariation can manifest itself not only in the form of fever.

With long-term fevers, along with Echinacea compositum forte S (every 2-3 days, 1 ampoule intravenously), injections of Engystol N, Traumeel S, Gripp-Heel are prescribed. The liver detoxification functions can be activated with Hepeel, only stimulating the excretion of homotoxins through the digestive tract with Momordica compositum, Anacardium-Homaccord, Mucosa compositum, Nux vomica-Homaccord.

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