Okulokhel (Homeopathic remedies Heel)


Composition : 1 tablet contains: Apis mellifica D4, Natrium muriaticum D6, 30 mg; Rhus toxicodendron D12, Hepar sulphuris D12, Spigelia D6, 60 mg; Staphysagria D4 45 mg; Aethyops mineralis D8 12 mg.

Indications: Conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis (especially chronic forms).

Dosage: Usually 1 tablet 3 times a day. In acute cases, start with 1 tablet every 15 minutes.

Form of release and packing: The package contains 50 or 250 tablets.

Brief description of indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Apis mellifica Inflammations and diseases accompanied by fluid accumulation in tissues (edema of eyelids, conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, barley), allergies. Natrium chloratum Migraines , digestive tract diseases, depression, skin diseases, diseases of supporting tissues; Dacryocystitis, burning with lachrymation, at what time when reading letters merge. Rhus toxicodendron Inflammation of the eyes, headaches. Hepar sulfuris Inflammation and suppuration of the skin and mucous membranes, for the therapy of lymphatics. Nervous and headaches (eg, ciliary nerve, neuralgia of the supraorbital nerve and infraorbital branch of the trigeminal nerve). Staphisagria Inflammation of the eye (eg, blepharoconjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, barley). Aethiops mineralis Inflammation of the eye and eyelids, accompanied by the formation of crust (Blepharitis squamosa and crustosa).

Based on the homeopathic components that make up this preparation, Oculoheel is assigned to activate immunity in acute and chronic conjunctivitis, with other eye diseases (blepharitis, dacryocystitis and inflammatory irritations of the anterior parts of the eyes). It seems to be shown with Blepharitis ciliaris, with barley, chalazion (along with Mercurius-Heel S, Traumeel S, Cruroheel S), with iritis, glaucoma, parenchymal keratitis, pannus, sclerite (in combination with other biologically indicated "Heel" , For example, Kalmia-Injeel (+ forte)). When glaucoma is used additionally Veratrum-Homaccord, Mercurius praecipitatus ruber-Injeel forte, Cruroheel, Arsuraneel orally, subcutaneously or intravenously. With sclerite, mercury-containing drugs may be prescribed, for example, Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni-Injeel (+ forte). But in all cases, Oculoheel has anti-inflammatory and detoxication resistance to the eye, including, and after ophthalmic operations (along with Traumeel S).

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