Phosphorus homocord (Homeopathic remedies Heel)

Drops · Solution for injections

Composition : Drops : 100 ml contains: Phosphorus D10, Phosphorus D30, Phosphorus D200 to 0.4 ml; Argentum nitricum D10, Argentum nitricum D30, Argentum nitricum D200, Paris quadrifolia D6, Paris quadrifolia D10, Paris quadrifolia D30, Paris quadrifolia D200 to 0.3 ml. Contains alcohol 35 volume%. Solution for injection: 100 ml contain: Phosphorus D10, Phosphorus D30, Phosphorus D200 to 0.4 ml; Argentum nitricum D10, Argentum nitricum D30, Argentum nitricum D200, Paris quadrifolia D6, Paris quadrifolia D10, Paris quadrifolia D30, Paris quadrifolia D200 to 0.3 ml.

Indications: Hypothesis , laryngitis, pharyngitis, petechial bleeding.

Dosage: Drops : Usually 10 drops 3 times a day. In acute cases, start with 10 drops every 15 minutes. With catarrhal colds it is prescribed in combination with Gripp-Heel, Aconitum-Homaccord (fever), Droperteel, Tartephedreel, Bronchalis-Heel, Drosera-Homaccord, Husteel, Vertigoheel, Selenium-Homaccord, Nervoheel, Psorinoheel, China-Homaccord S, Tonico-Injeel . Solution for injection: in acute cases daily, in other cases 1-3 times a week for 1 ampoule subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intradermally, intravenously.

Form of release and packing: Drops : the bottle-dropper contains 30 or 100 ml. Solution for injection : the package contains 5, 10, 50 or 100 ampoules of 1.1 ml.

A brief description of the indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Phosphorus Airway inflammation (eg, tracheitis and laryngitis in combination with hoarseness), bleeding. Argentum nitricum Psychosomatic diseases of the digestive tract, migraine, pharyngitis, laryngitis with hoarseness, other mucosal lesions. Paris quadrifolia Inflammation of the respiratory tract (eg, laryngitis combined with hoarseness).

Based on the homeopathic components that make up this drug, Phosphor-Homaccord is prescribed for laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, hoarseness, throat agony, "sowing voice", with lesions of lateral ridges in angina.

And the drug is indicated for violations of the brain (along with Psorinoheel), violations of mental activity (along with Selenium-Homaccord).

Phosphor-Homaccord is a constitutional remedy for the "phosphoric" type of organism and for rapid growth (additionally - Calcoheel, Cruroheel S, Osteoheel S), with precancerosomes and neoplasms (in combination with Galium-Heel, Psorinoheel, Lymphomyosot).

It is used for catarrh of the nasal cavity, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (together with Euphorbium compositum S, Naso-Heel S, Abropernol, Graphites-Homaccord, Traumeel S); With pneumonia (Bryaconeel, Tartephedreel); With bleeding from the nose and hemoptysis, with Verlhof's disease (along with Cinnamomum-Homaccord N).

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