Psorinochel (Homeopathic remedies Heel)

Psorinoheel® Psorinochel
Drops · Solution for injections

Composition : Drops : 100 ml contains: Psorinum D10, Medorrhinum D12, Sulfur D6, Thuja D6, Bufo D10, Luesinum D12, Natrium muriaticum D12, Vaccinium D8, 10 ml; Wismutkaliumjodid D5, Oleander D4, Cicuta virosa D5, Bacillinum D12 5 ml. Contains alcohol 35 volume%. Solution for injection: 100 ml contain: Psorinum D10, Medorrhinum D12, Sulfur D6, Thuja D6, Bufo D10, Luesinum D12, Natrium muriaticum D12, Vaccinium D8, 0.1 ml; Wismutkaliumjodid D5, Oleander D4, Cicuta virosa D5, Bacillinum D12 to 0.05 ml.

Indications: Use in alternative therapy for all chronic diseases, especially for skin diseases, liver damage.

Dosage: Drops : usually 10 drops 3 times a day. For neoplasm - long-term therapy 3-8 times a day for 10 drops in combination with Galium-Heel, Lymphomyosot, Phosphor-Homaccord, Acidum sacrolacticum-Injeel and intermediate acids of the citric acid cycle. Solution for injection: begin daily, then 1-3 times a week for 1 ampoule subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intradermally, intravenously.

Form of release and packing: Drops : the bottle-dropper contains 30 or 100 ml. Solution for injection : the package contains 5, 10, 50 or 100 ampoules of 1.1 ml.

Brief description of indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Psorinum Various chronic skin diseases; Chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes, especially the airways; The state of weakness, especially after severe illnesses; Headaches, depression. Medorrhinum Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urogenital organs, respiratory tract, digestive tract; Rheumatism, a sharp change of mood, premature aging. Sulfur Various skin diseases, especially chronic; Itching eczema and skin suppuration; Acute and chronic inflammation of the respiratory organs, digestive tract, urogenital organs; Impotence of the liver and digestion; Convulsions, hemorrhoids and bleeding; Cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure disorders; Rheumatic diseases, insomnia, nervous disorders; States of weakness, mental disorders and depression. Thuja Diseases of skin and mucous membrane; Weak digestion, rheumatism, depression; Propensity to proliferative processes (warts, polyps, etc.), only similar painful conditions caused by focal toxicosis. Bufo Brain lesions in combination with behavioral disorders; Seizures and cerebral seizures; Inflammation of the skin and glands with a tendency to suppuration; Pain in the shower on the nervous ground. Luesinum Chronic ulcers of skin and mucous membranes; Pain at night, especially headaches and bones; Inflammation of the respiratory tract, eye diseases; Insomnia, a sense of fear, depression. Natrium chloratum Migraines , digestive tract diseases, depression; Skin diseases, diseases of supporting tissue. Vaccininum Complications after vaccination of smallpox, inflammatory skin diseases, headaches. Wismutkaliumjodid Consequences of syphilis; Symptoms similar to paralysis; Disturbances of brain functions. Oleander Organic heart disease; Digestive disorders; Wetting eczema, paralysis, rheumatism. Cicuta virosa Purulent specks on skin and mucous membranes; Seizures, cerebral seizures. Bacillinum Inflammations of the respiratory tract, skin diseases, headaches, conditions of weakness.

Based on the homeopathic components that make up this preparation, Psorinoheel is a complex constitutional drug based on nosodes, is indicated for any cellular diseases, for neoplasms, for acute and chronic reactive phases (for example, typhoid fever in combination with increased separation of unpleasant smelling sweat, dryness In the mouth, weakness) or in reactive phases with discrete manifestations (along with Cruroheel S), with chronic fistula, skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, vesicular and pustular eczema, dermatosis, nodular and exudative erythema, solar and infectious erythema; With lupus and warts.

This drug is similarly prescribed for pigmentary birthmarks (with Galium-Heel), for keloid scars (along with Graphites-Homaccord), for hemangiomas (with Hamamelis-Homaccord), for pemphigus (in combination with Traumeel S, Cruroheel S, Galium -Heel), with scaly diarrhea, Plica polonica, acne (along with Cruroheel S), pitiriasis (together with Abropernol, Paeonia-Heel), contagious impetigo (along with Traumeel S, Mercurius-Heel S).

This drug is recommended for the treatment of any skin diseases, in addition - Schwef-Heel, Galium-Heel (with scleroderma, degeneration phases).

After that, depending on the symptoms, they switch to biological preparations Sulfur-Heel, Schwef-Heel, Graphites-Homaccord, Mezereum-Homaccord, Arsuraneel, Abropernol, Paeonia-Heel, Natrium-Homaccord, only Psorinoheel injections are performed more often.

This drug is used for constitutional basic therapy for other diseases of the phases of impregnation, degeneration and neoplasms.

For all chronic diseases of cellular phases, it is recommended to prescribe Psorinoheel, Lymphomyosot and Galium-Heel (see section "therapy of precancerous and neoplasm").

Psorinoheel is prescribed for adjuvant therapy with shin ulcers, if the previous therapy did not have a particular effect.

Further indications for this drug are liver diseases, the consequences of intoxication, dyscrasia as if phases of impregnation, degenerations and humoral phases that prevent the appearance of tumors.

Psorinoheel is the basic drug for migraines, glaucoma, chronic polyarthritis, nephrosis; It is used to detoxify the body in ampoule form alternately with the appropriate drugs.

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