Rhododendrol with (Homeopathic remedies Heel)

Rhododendroneel® S
Rhododendrel C

Composition : 100 ml contains: Rhododendron D3 10 ml, Spireae ulmaria D3, Asclepias tuberosa D6, Euphorbia cyparissias D3, Dulcamara D4, Ledum D4, Aconitum D4, 10 ml; Stellaria media D2, Lithium benzoicum D3, Pulsatilla D3, Acidum benzoicum D3, 5 mL. Contains alcohol 35 volume%.

Indications: Neuralgia, rheumatism of soft tissues and arthritic disorders, especially in cases of exacerbation in wet weather.

Dosage: Usually 10 drops 3 times a day, in acute cases begin with 10 drops every 15 minutes.

Form of release and packing: The bottle-dropper contains 30 or 100 ml.

Brief description of the indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Rhododendron Rheumatism, nerve pain (with deterioration in wet weather, downpour and thunder). Spiraea ulmaria Rheumatism. Asclepias tuberosa Rheumatism and nerve pain in the chest district. Euphorbia cyparissias Redness of the skin, nerve pain. Dulcamara Feverish joint inflammation caused by cold and moisture. Ledum Gout and rheumatism of joints. Aconitum Painful nerve diseases. Stellaria media Rheumatism. Lithium benzoicum Rheumatism, gout. Pulsatilla Rheumatic diseases. Acidum benzoicum e resina Rheumatic, gouty and degenerative joint diseases; Ganglia.

Based on the homeopathic components that make up this preparation, Rhododendroneel S is prescribed for rheumatism and neuralgia of different localization and beginning in combination with deterioration of the condition in wet weather, for example, in neuralgia of the hands, with intercostal neuralgia, primary chronic polyarthritis, eustachian catarrh. Increased overall sensitivity to changes in weather, with shingles. This drug is especially indicated for rheumatic pain at night and for latent rheumatism.

Alternately, Bryaconeel (neuralgia of the hands, stitching pains), Dulcamara-Homaccord (intercostal neuralgia, flair for weather change), Ferrum-Homaccord, Osteoheel S, Cruroheel S (epicondylitis), Colocynthis-Homaccord (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve and other types of neuralgia, ), Gelsemium-Homaccord (neuralgia of the occipital nerve and neuralgia of the hands), Abropernol, Graphites-Homaccord, Lithiumeel, Bryaconeel (with coke), Discus compositum. With epidemic parotitis, Reneel and Bryaconeel are additionally used, but with epididymitis, Psorinoheel.

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