Strofantus compositum (Homeopathic preparations Heel)

Strophantus compositum Strofantus compositum

Composition : 100 ml contains: Strophanthus D6, Arsenicum album D10, Aconitum D6, Latrodectus mactans D10, Acidum L (+) - lacticum D4, Spigelia D4, Cactus D3, Veratrum D4, Aethusa D8, Tabacum D10, Glonoinum D4, Carbo vegetabilis D10 , Tormentilla D6 1 ml each.

Indications: Antihomotoxic regulatory response in cases of cardiac circulatory disorders, for the prevention and therapy of myocardial infarction.

Dosage: Up to 3 times a week for 1 ampoule subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intradermally, intravenously.

Form of release and packing: The package contains 5, 10, 50 or 100 ampoules of 2.2 ml.

Brief description of indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Strophanthus Cardiac impotence. Acidum arsenicosum Diseases of wear (eg, myocardosis); Benign and malignant swelling; Depression. Aconitum Acute heart disease combined with a sense of fear. Latrodectus mactans Thoracic toad. Acidum sacrolacticum Muscle aches; Violations of cellular respiration. Spigelia Acute inflammation of the heart; angina pectoris. Cactus Organic and functional heart diseases; Calcification of vessels; high blood pressure. Veratrum Disorders of the circulatory system. Aethusa Acute vomiting and cramps of the pylorus; Intolerance of milk in children; Ability to concentrate; Tachycardia, dizziness, lack of strength; Cramps, headaches. Tabacum Falls of blood pressure; angina pectoris. Glonoinum High blood pressure, angina pectoris. Carbo vegetabilis Cardiovascular impotence. Tormentilla Relieves the tendency of tissues to bleed.

Based on the homeopathic components that make up this preparation, Strophanthus compositum is prescribed for violations of the blood supply to the heart, for the prevention and therapy of myocardial infarction.

The effect of this drug is directed to the symptomatology of cardiac and coronary diseases, not only on the soul itself, but also on symptoms such as nausea (Aethusa, Tabacum), cool sweat (Veratrum), fear states (Arsenicum album, Aconitum, Tabacum) Symptoms of the angina pectoris (Lactodectus mactans, Spigelia, Cactus, Glonoinum). It has been clinically and experimentally proven that Glonoinum expands coronary vessels and prevents tissue bleeding (Tormentilla). Acidum sacrolacticum removes the increased acidity of tissues, which can lead to a heart attack.

In addition, preparations Cactus compositum (intravenously, orally), Cralonin, Veratrum-Homaccord, Vomitusheel, Cardiacum-Heel may be prescribed, all of which are prescribed for patients after a heart attack once a day for a long time. And shows injections (1-2 times a week) of preparations Cor compositum, Cactus compositum, Strophanthus compositum. Carbo compositum activates the binding processes (at the risk of apoplexy), however, with increasing blood pressure, Rauwolfia compositum (alternately) is recommended.

Additional drugs are prescribed depending on the specific disease and its symptoms; They can be Cardiacum-Heel, Cralonin, Glonoin-Homaccord, and the like.

To treat the consequences of myocardial infarction according to the symptoms, Angio-Injeel, Cactus compositum, Carbo compositum, Strophanthus compositum are used.

Of fundamental importance in such cases is the type of injection (intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously, or into the skin). Angio-Injeel has the weakest effect, but other drugs seem to be injected intravenously (Cactus compositum, Strophanthus compositum).

In case of collapse and risk of apoplexy, intravenous injections of Carbo compositum, injections of Strophanthus compositum and Cactus compositum (intramuscularly, subcutaneously or into the skin, injections of a mixture with Angio-Injeel by the "blister" method into the upper lobe of the breast are possible); The oral therapy of Cralonin and Cactus compositum appears to be similar.

Cardiacum-Heel can be used to relieve pain symptoms and optimize coronary blood supply.

In the throes of the throats, heart drops (Cosmochema), Strophantin compositum (tablets from the heart) and Kalmia compositum are shown.

Aurumheel acts with pronounced weakening of the myocardium, with the greatest effect being exercised by alternate therapy with Cralonin (droplets).

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