Ubihinon compositum ampullen (Homeopathic remedies Heel)

Ubichinon compositum Ampullen Ubihinon compositum Ampullen

Composition: 100 ml contains: Vitamin C D6 5 ml; Vitamin B1 D6, Vitamin B2 D6, Vitamin B6 D6, 1 ml; Nicotins Cureamid D2 3 ml; Myrtillus D4, Colchicum D4, Podophyllum D4, Conium D4, Hydrastis D4, Galium aparine D6, Acidum L (+) - lacticum D6, Hydrochinon D8, a-Lipons Cure D8, Sulfur D8, Manganum phosphoricum D8, Natrium oxalaceticum D8, Trichonoyl D10, Antrachinon D10, 1,4-Napthochinon D10, para-Benzochinon D10, ATP (Adenosin-triphosphat) D10, Coenzym A D10, Acetylsalicyls Kure D10, Histamin D10, NAD (Nicotinamid-adenin-dinucleotid) D10, Magnesium gluconicum D10 1 ml.

Indications: Stimulation of protective mechanisms for the renewal of blocked enzyme systems in cases of disorders of enzyme functions and degenerative diseases (cell phases).

Contraindications: Do not use during pregnancy and feeding.

Side effects: None known.

Combined application with other means: No special features.

Dosage: Usually 1-3 times a week for 1 ampoule subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intradermally or, if necessary, intravenously.

Form of release and packing: The package contains 5, 10, 50 or 100 ampoules of 2.2 ml.

Brief description of the indications for the use of individual components of the formulation: Vitamin C Affects the function of enzymes (oxidation-reduction systems). Vitamin B1 Affects the function of enzymes (decarboxylation). Vitamin B2 Affects the functions of enzymes (redox systems, flavoproteins). Vitamin B6 Affects the functions of enzymes (decarboxylase, transaminase, dehydratase, desulfhydrazide). Nicotinamid Affects the function of enzymes (dehydratase). Myrtillus Catarrhal diseases, enteritis, cystitis, distyreosis. Colchicum Acute and chronic gout, acute rheumatism of joints, effusions in the body cavity, inflammation of the kidneys, inflammation of the digestive tract. Podophyllum Disorders of the liver and gallbladder; After operations on the gallbladder; Vomiting. Conium Calcification of cerebral vessels (cerebral sclerosis); Swollen glands; Neoplasms in various organs; Depression. Hydrastis Suppuration of mucous membranes with ulceration; Inflammation and colic of the digestive tract, liver and gallbladder; Polyps. Galium aparine Kidney stones, ulcers, especially of the tongue; Precancarose. Acidum sacrolacticum Muscle aches; State of weakness and exhaustion; At violations of cellular respiration. Hydrochinonn Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. (-) a-LiponsCure Promotes the transfer of water, for example, coenzyme in the decomposition of pyruvic acid. Sulfur Various, especially chronic skin diseases; Itchy eczema and suppuration of the skin; Acute and chronic inflammation; Impotence of the liver and digestion; Insomnia, nervous disorders; State of weakness, depression; Constitutional and reactionary means for increasing immunity. Manganum phosphoricum Conditions of exhaustion in anemia; A microelement necessary for a cycle of citric acid. Natrium oxalaceticum Affects the cycle of citric acid and redox systems; With immune weakness. Trichinoyl Regeneration of blocked respiratory enzymes; Promotes detoxification. Anthrachinon Affects the energy exchange; Promotes detoxification; Gastrointestinal disorders. 1,4-Naphthochinon Affects the energy metabolism; Promotes detoxification; After for the therapy. Para-Benzochinon Affects the energy exchange; Promotes detoxification; Dermatoses. Ubichinon Affects the intermediate metabolism; Promotes detoxification, increases immunity. ATP Support for systems that consume energy. Coenzym A For transacetylation. Acetylsalicylsaure Digestive tract disorders, bleeding, hubbub in the ears; Connective tissue damage. Histamin Allergic diseases of skin and mucous membranes; Low blood pressure; Pain in the shower. Nadid Biocatalyst, stimulating the oxidation processes in the respiratory chain. Magnesium gluconicum A microelement that acts on the functions of the enzymes of the citric acid cycle.

Based on the homeopathic components that make up this drug, Ubichinon compositum is assigned to activate detoxification mechanisms through the resumption of blocked enzyme systems, especially in degenerative diseases (cell phases).

Allopathic therapy suppresses all attempts of the body to cause regressive vicariation in diseases of the cell phases (including neoplasms), which we often describe as chronic diseases. This completely blocks the enzyme systems, which are almost impossible to recover. Biological therapy proceeds from a different principle of action, from stimulation of blocked enzyme systems by catalysts and processes of depolymerization of neoplasms (which are formed by condensation and polymerization). For this, various potentiated quinones, biological substances that prevent the appearance of tumors (Colchicum, Podophyllum, Conium, Hydrastis, Galium aparine) are used. An important role is played by co-enzymes (coenzyme A, ATP, nadide, liponic acid) and microelements, without which enzyme systems (magnesium, manganese) can not be restored.

Essential role in this play vitamins, not only replenish the deficiencies of vitamins in the body, but also acting on enzymes. A similar action is also rendered by suis-organ preparations that facilitate certain stages of enzyme synthesis. In this case, it becomes possible to counteract the affected genetic apparatus (cancer-induced mutations). But at the same time, the least molecular upbringing plays the role of co-repressors, which would confirm the action of activated enzymes.

The effect of the drug Ubichinon compositum often manifests itself in a feeling of fatigue after injection (as with Coenzyme compositum, Thyreoidea compositum, Hepar compositum), while the patient is recommended to doze to facilitate the process of changing enzyme functions and systems.

This drug is intended to compensate for lesions caused by progressive vicariation and passed into cellular phases (including in the phase of neoplasms); In addition, injections of Coenzyme compositum preparations, Glyoxal compositum (usually 1 injection), Galium-Heel, Engystol N, Traumeel S, Hepar compositum, Thyreoidea compositum are additionally prescribed to enhance the effect.

This drug enhances the action of radiation therapy (injection 2 hours prior to irradiation) and works in a friendly manner with critical intoxications, for example, in the case of influenza, abscesses, catarrh (aphonia). In such cases, Echinacea compositum (+ forte) S is additionally shown, but for new growths - Viscum compositum (mite, medium, forte).

And it should be noted that intravenous injections of preparations containing vitamin B1 (Ubichinon compositum, Coenzyme compositum, Discus compositum) should be performed with caution, since the majority of patients suffering from the consequences of allopathic therapy have increased flair for this vitamin. This may occur despite the high potency of the vitamin, which is not used for substitution treatment.

Since this drug contains vitamins, with subcutaneous and intradermal injections, there may be a small amount of flour and burning.

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