Treatment of eczema: when the disease is praying for fats

Экзема - недостаток жирных кислот

Eczema (other - Greek - rash on the skin, from - boil) - acute or chronic non-contagious inflammatory skin disease, characterized by a variety of rashes, burning sensation, itching and a tendency to relapse. The term Willen (1808), Bateman (1813), Flight (1823) and other scientists distinguished eczema into a separate nosological form.

Eczema is a very unpleasant chronic disease characterized by skin inflammation. On its surface layers appear numerous papules, similar to the bubbles. The disease is accompanied by itching, it can occur with relapses

Earlier this disease was called wet deprive. In the world of eczema, up to 10% of the population suffers. Numerous studies show that the disease, in particular, arises from a deficiency in the body of essential fatty acids. And as it turns out, the treatment of eczema can affect the correction of nutrition and a number of other measures.

About the queen of fats and not only

In fact, fatty acids have a very positive effect on the course of the anti-inflammatory process with eczema. They remove both visible inflammation of the skin, and invisible foci of inflammation within the body. But first you need to understand that not all fats are useful. For example, it is absolutely necessary to exclude harmful culinary fats, inexpensive vegetable oils and other non-natural fats.

But here, without which not help the body get out of this disease, it's Omega-3 fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in a large number of foods: in fish - halibut, mackerel, salmon, tuna, trout; Liver cod, walnuts, olives, avocado, and seeds.

However, the products listed above are not the only source of Omega-3 replenishment. Fatty acids can enrich your body and with the help of sapliment, for example, it can be fish oil in capsules. It is possible to use this unique natural substance in liquid form, in particular, it can be well added to vegetable cocktails: in a day it will be sufficient to take between 2000 and 4000 mg .

Indispensable in the treatment of eczema can be considered and such a component as gamma linolenic acid, which is also able to withstand inflammation. It is mainly found in dairy products (especially cottage cheese), nuts, sunflower oil, seeds, and also in primrose oil of spring and borage. Admission per day is a quarter of the dose of Omega-3 .

Support group for essential fatty acids and minerals

Экзема - недостаток жирных кислот

In order for fatty acids to be fully absorbed, they should be supplemented with fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K , and even necessarily vitamin E. All of these vitamins also contribute to the absorption of minerals. And those who suffer from eczema, the following minerals are needed: sulfur, zinc, magnesium.

Sulfur is endowed with many possibilities , it is used for allergies, it helps to remove toxins from the body, with its "participation" is the binding of collagen fibers, which gives skin elasticity. In addition, sulfur heals wounds and scars.

Zinc also actively promotes wound healing , but also improves the absorption of gamma linolenic acid. In addition to active inclusion in the diet of zinc-containing products (beef, walnuts, beans, sunflower seeds), it is also good to take preparations with this mineral.

The deficiency of magnesium in the body today is experienced by many. And this mineral has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, with its direct participation in our body there are at least 200 different chemical reactions. It's good to take 500 mg of magnesium citrate every day.

Useful additions in the fight against eczema

Obviously, in everything that concerns the external treatment of this disease, you will help a dermatologist. We believe that all the same it will not be creams based on hormones. But what the doctor must certainly mention, so this is about the therapeutic effect of coconut. It is available in different forms: as a cooking aid (oil), it can be used as a drink, and can be applied to the skin. But if this "medicine" is inaccessible to you for some reason, then a great effect in fighting the disease will help achieve aloe - a well-known and accessible to all plant. In total, it will be necessary to apply fresh aloe vera to eczema-damaged skin.

We hope that the above recommendations will provide you with a reliable guide in the treatment of eczema.
