How to normalize high blood pressure

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Arterial hypertension (hypertension, hypertension, hypertension, etc.-Greek "above, above" + other-Greek "tension, tone") - persistent increase in blood pressure from 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and higher. Essential hypertension (hypertension) is 90-95% of cases of hypertension. In other cases, diagnosed secondary, symptomatic arterial hypertension: renal (nephrogenic) - 3-4%, endocrine - 0.1-0.3%, hemodynamic, neurological, stressful, due to the intake of certain substances (iatrogenic) and AH of pregnant women, under which Increasing blood pressure is one of the symptoms of the underlying disease. Among the iatrogenic hypertensions, those caused by the intake of biologically active additives and medicines are particularly prominent. Women taking hormonal contraceptives are more likely to develop AH (especially in women with obesity, women who smoke and older women). With the development of hypertension on the background of taking these drugs and dietary supplements, they should be canceled. The decision to cancel other medications is taken by the doctor. AH, not caused by oral contraceptives, is not a contraindication to hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women. However, at the beginning of hormonal replacement therapy, blood pressure (arterial pressure) should be monitored more often, since it is possible to increase it.

Arterial hypertension is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is established that 20-30% of the adult population suffer from arterial hypertension. With age, the prevalence of the disease increases and reaches 50-65% in persons older than 65 years. The emergence of hypertension is facilitated by more than 20 combinations in the human genetic code.

About how to diagnose problems with the cardiovascular system, which rarely make themselves felt that it was noticeable, and how to avoid them, without waiting for serious consequences for themselves or their relatives.

If you've ever watched your blood pressure at home, you might have noticed an interesting phenomenon: on the couch, the tonometer readings are normal, but it's worthwhile to see a doctor as the pressure jumps. What is the reason? This phenomenon, called "hypertension white coat." Usually it is attributed to the nerves played out in the clinic. But a recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed that he may have more serious causes.

Scientists have proven that in 9 years of research, people diagnosed with "white coat hypertension" or with hidden hypertension (when your blood pressure is raised at home and the doctor stops showing a norm), heart disease and strokes are twice as likely to earn heart disease as those who do not have Similar jumps were observed. In patients with "white coat hypertension", the pressure at the clinic exceeded 140/90, and at home it was lower than 135/85.

In patients with latent hypertension, everything was the other way around. Your pressure may increase from stress, for example, when you wait for your turn at the doctor or you quarrel with your girlfriend. Stress leads to narrowing of the blood vessels, which increases blood pressure. But the research conducted showed that stress can not be the only cause of these jumps. They may indicate a certain dysfunction of the vascular system: your vessels remain constricted during stress.

The only way to understand whether you have "hypertension white coat" or latent hypertension is to compare the indications from the clinic to the home. According to the author of the research of Wangpeng Wongpatanasin, there are no special methods for treating these diseases. You just need to follow the recommendations that doctors give in case of increased pressure, such as regular exercise and switching to a diet low in salt.

Make changes to your training regimen: Norwegian scientists found that high-intensity interval training for 38 minutes three times a week helps reduce systolic pressure by 12 points, and diastolic (the lower of two) by 8.

Is your blood pressure normal?

120/80 - the norm of 20-40 years.

135/90 - the norm in 40-60 years.

140/90 - mild hypertension.

160/110 - severe hypertension.

  • The first number is systolic blood pressure , when the heart contracts and pushes blood into the arteries.
  • The second number - diastolic pressure , the situation in the arteries at the time of relaxation of the heart muscle.

How to lower the pressure?

The main causes of hypertension are malnutrition, lack of exercise, increased glucose levels, fat content in the blood, and bad habits.

Get rid of excess weight

The fat man is clogged with bad cholesterol, but that's not all. The large body needs more blood to supply all this fat with oxygen. A vascular system has the same capacity as a normal person. That's why she is experiencing heightened overload. To the fat man at all you will not envy. "With increased weight, a number of metabolic disorders are very often observed, which lead to diabetes mellitus, changes in blood lipids, intolerance to glucose. In some cases - to impair the permeability of the vascular wall, especially in small vessels, especially in the kidneys. Because of this, the kidneys begin to filter what is not needed, and they stop filtering what they need, "the cardiologist at the Vavilov Cardiovascular Surgery Center scares them. AN Bakuleva Elena Golukhova.

TIP: Stick to the diet. Less fats of animal origin and more vegetables containing glutamic acid (carrots, beets, corn, tomatoes) - it relaxes the walls of the arteries and promotes better blood flow.

Reducing the risk of hypertension by 13%.

No salts

Salt delays in the body water - increases the volume of circulating blood, increases the pressure. The recommended norm for people aged 17 to 45-50 years is 1.5 g of "white poison" per day, and after 50 years - 1.2-1.3 g. Switch to dietary salt with a lower sodium content - the one The same, and you can eat as much as 2 grams per day. And try to salt food not during cooking, but right on the plate. It is not clear why, but with this scenario, the taste of salt is felt brighter even with its smaller volumes.

TIP: More than 80% of all the salt you absorb is processed foods, semi-finished products, sausages, canned food, cheese ... Switch to a healthy diet and salt all by yourself. Another option is to read the labels carefully. The sodium content in conventional products should not exceed 120 mg per 100 g.

Reducing the risk of hypertension by 13%.

Throw a cigarette away

Cardiologist Elena Golukhova: "I would say that smoking is one of the first risk factors for hypertension. Nicotinic resins destroy the inner lining of the vessels - the endothelium, resulting in thrombi. In addition, smoking leads to a violation of the production of substances that provide a normal reaction of the vascular wall to a change in volume. A normal vessel reacts with relaxation, if you put more blood in there. "Prokurennye" the same vessels can not quickly relax and contract, and the entire cardiovascular system goes awry. "

TIP: Stop smoking and do not drink more than two or three cups of espresso a day. Coffee is still a burden on blood vessels, besides, it removes calcium from the body, which is necessary for normal operation of the heart. Replace the fourth espresso with a liter of milk per day.

Reducing the risk of hypertension by 12%.

Eat more regular fats

Elena Golukhova: "Ideally, you need to eat fish 3-4 times a week - that will be really useful. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish help to increase the content of healthy cholesterol in the blood. " In addition, our favorite acids do not allow platelets to stick together in lumps, and the walls of blood vessels become inflamed. Need more arguments?

TIP: More omega-3 fatty acids in red fish. But, if the salmon is tired, replace the fish dinner with 25 g hazelnut.

Reducing the risk of hypertension by 11%.

Add potassium to the diet

This mineral element is necessary for the generation and holding of a heart pulse. Moreover, it helps the body to remove excess salt (after all, you did not refuse the sausage, as we asked?) And makes the vessels more resistant to the effects of the hormones that contract them.

TIP: You can find potassium in bananas, dried apricots, nuts and suede. And the daily norm of a healthy person - only 2-3 nuts or 2-3 dried apricots. If you eat more, do not worry.

Reducing the risk of hypertension by 12%.


Elena Golukhova: "Physical exercises allow you to control muscle and vascular tone, train the vegetative system, accustom the vessels to the loads. Recommended mode - most days, that is at least 4 times a week. The duration of training is not less than 40 minutes, the loads are dosed. We recommend practicing on treadmills, bicycle ergometers. All the same, training the cardiovascular system is not bodybuilding with bars, but running, swimming or cycling. "

TIP: Physical exercises allow you to control muscle and vascular tone, train the vegetative system, accustom vessels to the loads. Recommended mode - at least 4 times a week.

Reducing the risk of hypertension by 11%.

Drink mineral water

From a piece of magnesium from the cylinder block engine "Zaporozhets" you can make a great New Year's bomb, which will tear your fingers off your hand. It is better to consume magnesium - it strengthens the heart, prevents blood clots and expands arteries. 300 mg a day is enough for a normal person, but if you are stressed, increase the dose to 400 mg.

TIP: Eat magnesium - it helps the heart work, prevents the formation of thrombi and widens the arteries. 300 mg a day is enough for a normal person, but if you are stressed, increase the dose to 400 mg.

Reducing the risk of hypertension by 7%.

Hypertonic disease

Hypertensive disease (essential hypertension) is a multifactorial polyethological disease.

The pathogenesis of the disease is based on internal factors :

  • Developmental abnormalities (eg abnormal birth weight);
  • Other symptomatic components, for example, associated with the management of labor during the birth of the patient;
  • Inherited polygenic factors that cause high activity of long-acting pressor mechanisms and / or a decrease in the activity of depressor mechanisms [4];

And external factors:

  • climate;
  • Malnutrition, especially excessive intake of table salt
  • Bad water consumption;
  • Harmful working conditions;
  • Microclimate of living quarters;
  • Wrong rest;
  • Sound and electromagnetic fields, radiation;
  • Deficiency of vitamins, essential bioelements;
  • Relationships with people.

The immediate cause of hypertension is the increased activity of biological mechanisms that cause an increase in the minute volume of blood and / or an increase in peripheral vascular resistance. An important place among these mechanisms is the replication of pathogenic microorganisms, especially when stress is associated with isolated systolic hypertension and systolic-diastolic hypertension, replication of cytomegalovirus - this was observed in Russia, then in the mid-Atlantic states of the USA, Kazakh and Chinese populations, although in US populations in In general, the data have not been sufficiently studied. This is due to the fact that increasing the expression of angiotensin II and renin in blood and tissues, undoubtedly observed as a result of the effect of cytomegalovirus, does not always lead to the development of hypertension, because, for example, people of the African race have a very high level of angiotensin II and renin, hypertension They do have a harder time, but in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and especially in Africa, the prevalence of hypertension is usually significantly lower than that of white Americans.

The disease is fixed from the moment depletion of the depressor function of the kidneys. It manifests itself as a persistent chronic increase in diastolic and / or systolic blood pressure, characterized by a frequency of 15% to 47% in the population.
