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Under alcoholism refers to somatic, mental disorders, but it looks like the social degradation of the individual, caused by abuse or dependence on alcohol.

The difference Intermedia alcohol abuse and alcoholism is that the abuse had not been dependent on alcohol, although in general, this division is rather arbitrary.
The dependence is expressed in the case in which there are an irresistible attraction to the adoption of new doses of alcohol, the tendency to increase doses, but it seems that characterizes by denying of alcohol (sweating, trembling hands, circulatory disorders, motor alarm, etc.)
As a manageable causes of this disease are usually referred to the following factors:
· Genetic defect alcohol dehydrogenase;
· Certain personality types;
· Social conditions (belonging to lower social group);
· Combating mental (stress, crises, etc.)
Depending on the behavior distinguish the following groups of drunks:
1. alpha-alcoholics - alcohol not accompanied by deprivation of control, to overcome mental or physical problems;
2. Beta-alcoholics - alcohol induced habits, the physical effects;
3. Gamma-alcoholics - alcohol, combined with self-deprivation, addiction, physical and social consequences;
4. delta alcoholics - alcohol, combined with self-deprivation and the inability to quit;
5. epsilon-alcoholics - continuous alcohol consumption combined with deprivation of self-control binges lasting for several weeks and months.
By feasible physical effects of alcohol include fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, Tsive syndrome, pancreatitis, gastritis, Mallory-Weiss syndrome, cardiomyopathy.
Neurological effects of alcoholism include cerebellar atrophy, Wernicke's encephalopathy, cerebral convulsions. Psychiatric consequences of alcoholism are heresy, Korsakoff syndrome, exogenous psychoses.
The social consequences of alcoholism may be a problem with labor conflicts in the family, isolation, administrative offenses and misconduct.
Alcoholism Treatment can be successful only only in the event that the patient is aware of what time that he was ill.
If there is sufficient motivation to give up alcohol, the system can help the ailing drugs to overcome physical and mental symptoms of the disease.
For oral basic treatment of alcoholism shows preparations Nux vomica-Homaccord (ampoules), Galium-Heel (ampoules), Chelidonium-Homaccord (ampoules) and Hepeel (tablets).
Dosage: 3 times a day 1 tablet or 3 times weekly 1 ampoule intramuscularly, subcutaneously, into the skin or in the form of "drinking vials."

All ampoule form preparations produced by "Heel" (except Procainum compositum) can be used as a "drinking vials." To do this, the contents of one or several vials diluted in a glass of water and slowly sips drunk during the day. To elect the suction of the mouth is recommended to delay a little water in the mouth.

Drip forms of homeopathic medicines in accordance with the List of homeopathic medicines contain alcohol. Since alcoholism is often observed liver injury and you must evade alcohol, it is recommended to nominate ampoule forms of these drugs or pills.
Depending on the specific symptoms of the disease may further prescribe drugs:
1. Nervoheel (tablets) - shown in such manifestations of withdrawal from alcohol as motor restlessness, physical and mental exhaustion, sudden change in mood, memory loss, speech disorders;
2. Lymphomyosot (ampoules) - activates the connective tissue drainage means;
3. Psorinoheel (ampoules) - for various mania;
4. Traumeel S (tablet) - Enzymes for regenerating sulphide;
5. Gasticumeel (tablets) - belching, heartburn;
6. Phosphor-Homaccord (ampoules) - in severe tremor;
7. Lachesis-Injeel (+ forte) - hysterical lump in my throat, depression, heartburn.
For parenteral therapy drugs are shown:
1. Hepar compositum - activation of detoxification of the liver, especially in toxic liver diseases;
2. Leptandra compositum - chronic diseases of the liver and pancreas;
3. Cerebrum compositum - nervous exhaustion, memory loss, depression;
4. Medorrhinum-Injeel (+ forte) - craving for alcohol;
5. Veratrum-Injeel (+ forte) - Korsakoff psychosis.
To activate the disturbed enzyme functions in the treatment schedule further includes drugs Coenzyme compositum, Ubichinon compositum.
And you can assign suis-organ preparations, for example, Colon suis-Injeel, Hepar suis -Injeel, Hypothalamus suis-Injeel.
As usually carried out this mixture 2 injections per week intramuscularly preparations. and can be assigned to speed autohaemotherapy the above drugs. About her conduct cm. Application.