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Headaches are often quite harmless functional disorders, but at the same time can be manifestations of serious diseases of the body. At a foggy beginning of head illnesses it is necessary for inspection at the therapist (especially on a subject of a hypertonia) and at the neuropathologist. Similar causes of the disease can be identified by examining the orthopedist, ophthalmologist or otolaryngologist.

The basic therapeutic drug for headaches is Spigelon . Dosage: 3 times a day for 8-10 drops or 1 tablet, for acute cases - 10 drops or 1 tablet every 15 minutes (but not more than 2 hours). The ampoule form of the preparation Spigelon can be injected intravenously, subcutaneously or into the skin (segmentally or neural).

Depending on the specific symptoms of the disease, the following preparations are shown along with the preparation Spigelon:
1). Gelsemium-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - neuralgia of the occipital nerve, vertebral headaches;
2). Gelsemium-Injeel (+ forte) - headaches similar to migraine;
3). Bryonia-Injeel (+ forte) - piercing, pulsating headaches;
4). Verbascum-Injeel (+ forte) - unilateral headaches due to lesions of the trigeminal nerve;
5). Melilotus-Homaccord (ampoules), Melilotus-Homaccord N (drops) - with increased pressure, nosebleeds;
6). Belladonna-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - with strengthening of headaches in lying;
7). Glonoin-Homaccord N (drops), Glonoin-Homaccord (ampoules) - headaches after a long stay in the sun;
8). Glonoin-Injeel (+ forte) - headaches, accompanied by noise in the ears;
9). Vertigoheel (drops, ampoules, tablets) - a feeling of heaviness in the head in combination with dizziness;
10). Spascupreel (tablets, ampoules), Spascupreel S ( suppositories ) - stitching and spasmodic headaches;
eleven). Colocynthis-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - stitching headaches ;
12). China-Homaccord S (drops, ampoules) - anemic headaches;
13). Aconitum-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - headaches due to flu;
14). Circulo-Injeel - angiospastic headaches;
15). Silicea-Injeel (+ forte) - headaches combined with increased sensitivity to cold and wind;
16). Nux vomica-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - headaches caused by disorders of the liver;
17). Traumeel S (drops, ampoules, tablets) - headaches after injuries and concussions (especially effective in combination with Vertigoheel );
18). Aloe-Injeel (+ forte) - pressing headaches combined with hyperemia, pain in the forehead, eyes, deep in the eye sockets, treatment of the condition in the cold and fresh atmosphere, increased pain during movement;
19). Iris-Injeel (+ forte) - right-sided headaches, often in combination with catarrh of the skin of the eye and conjunctiva of the eyelids; Frequent pain on weekends (the so-called "Sunday migraines"); A hasty change of pain localized in the right elements of the head;
20). Sulfur-Injeel (+ forte) - headaches due to venous stasis (for example, with hemorrhoids);
21). Mezereum-Injeel (+ forte) - severe headaches and pains in the county of the bones of the skull, responsive to touch; Stretching pains throughout the head, increased flair for cold;
22). Calcium phosphoricum-Injeel (+ forte) - headaches with tension, stroke, with mental activity; Pain in the area of ​​cranial sutures, headaches in weather change, post-food treatment; Sensation of cold in the nape of the neck;
23). Anthrachinon-Injeel (+ forte) - headaches with hypotension;
24). Anacardium-Injeel (+ forte) - pressing headaches, especially with a feeling of hunger; Sensation of the head "in a vice";
25). Guajacum-Injeel (+ forte) - stitching and pressing pains in various parts of the head and face;
26). Ginseng-Injeel (+ forte) - headaches in combination with the severity of the eyelids;
27). Ammonium bromatum-Injeel (+ forte) - pain in the right eye region;
28). Cimex lectularius-Injeel (+ forte) - headaches after alcohol abuse;
29). Natrium pyruvicum-Injeel (+ forte) - headaches (from morning till evening) in combination with nausea and vomiting;
thirty). Sanguinaria-Injeel (+ forte) - headaches combined with a surge of blood to the head, nausea and vomiting; Sudden attacks of pain in the forehead district; The sensation that the eye pops out of the orbits; Dizziness during movement; Increased pain with noise and bright light; Pain lasts from morning till evening.

With headache at night, injections of a mixture of Belladonna-Injeel + Bryonia-Injeel + Iris-Injeel + Sanguinaria-Injeel are shown at night.