The information published on the website is for general guidance only.
Described methods of diagnosis, treatment, prescriptions of traditional medicine, etc. not recommended for use on their own. Be sure to consult with a specialist, so as not to harm your health!
We do not sell drugs! Nothing!

Pain is a biological signal, which is designed to protect the body from various injuries. In any case, you must find out the causes of pain.
Painful sensations are due to the action of cellular debris and toxins on nerve receptors for which information in the form of electric momenta of acts on the nervous system to the brain.

Symptomatic suppression of pain nerve route block route or pain centers of the brain is possible, but such therapy does not eliminate the homotoxins that caused the pain. In addition, these painkillers have negative act on the body (eg, analgesics and their decay products).
Biological therapy is based on a different principle of action; it activates the immune system of the body to remove homotoxins that caused the pain.
As practice shows, it is advisable not to assign complex biological drugs for general anesthesia action, since, depending on the localization of flour Mauger caused by various toxins. Preparations need to be administered in accordance with their actions on certain areas of the body.
Depending on the specific symptoms we recommend the following products:
1. Spigelon (tablets, drops, ampoules) - headaches;
2. Cruroheel S (tablets), Arsuraneel (tablets) - for headaches agony due to inflammation;
3. Gelsemium-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - pain in the cervical syndrome, smack in the head;
4. Spascupreel (tablets, vials), Spascupreel S (candles) - with stabbing and spasmodic headaches;
5. Colocynthis-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - sciatica, low back pain, stabbing pain in the lumbar region;
6. Ranunculus-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - with intercostal neuralgia;
7. Bryaconeel (tablet) - with neurological and inflammatory pain;
8. Rhododendroneel S (drop) - neuralgia, combined with the deterioration in the weather change;
9. Cardiacum-Heel (tablet), Pectus-Heel (tablet), Cralonin (drops, ampoules) - pain in heart;
10. Gastricumeel (tablets), Duodenoheel (tablet) - when in the throes of the stomach;
11. Chelidonium-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - pain in the gallbladder District (including combined to colic);
12. Veratrum-Homaccord (drops, ampoules), Nux vomica-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - for intestinal tenesmus;
13. Belladonna-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - with anguish because of the inflammation;
14. Berberis-Homaccord (drops, ampoules), Reneel (tablet) - with agony in the kidneys;
15. Atropinum compositum (ampoules), Atropinum compositum S (candles) - with cramps and colic different localization.

Usually, when the throes of prescribed drugs with an interval of 10-15 minutes with 8-10 drops or 1 tablet. For initiating therapy administered 40 drops down to or up to 5 times per tablet.
More information about individual drugs shown during the throes of various localization, see. App.
Ampoule forms of drugs may be used as for the parenteral and oral therapy (in the form of "drinking vials"). At the same time the contents of 1-3 vials diluted in a glass of water and slowly sips drunk during the day. To elect the suction of the mouth is recommended just to hold each sip in your mouth.