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Bronchiectasis means stable irreversible enlargements of the bronchi, the clinical signs of which are chronic infections and the allocation of an impressive number of sputum. An x-ray examination of the extent of the disease is necessary, since surgical intervention (partial excision) of small bronchiectasises can cure this disease.
It should be noted that bronchiectasis is a serious anatomical change in the lung tissue, which is almost irreversible with the help of drug therapy.
With bronchiectasis, it is recommended to prescribe regular drainage therapy, for example, chest massage after inhalation with secretolitic drugs, only similar to Galium-Heel (3 times a day for 8-10 drops), Droperteel (3 times a day for 1 tablet), Bronchalis- Heel (3 times a day for 1 tablet).
Depending on the specific symptomatology, additional drugs may be prescribed:
1. Lymphomyosot - to regulate the circulation of lymph;
2. Abropernol - acts on a constitutional condition;
3. Tartephedreel (drops) - with spastic cough;
4. Lamioflur (drops) - with purulent sputum;
5. Mercurius-Heel S (tablets) - with increased suppuration.
For parenteral therapy, Traumeel S is indicated alternately with Kreosotum-Injeel , Phosphor-Homaccord , Arsenum jodatum-Injeel , Kalium carbonicum-Injeel , Ipecacuanha-Injeel (2-3 injections per week intramuscularly or subcutaneously). And it is recommended to inject a mixture of these drugs. Additionally shown Mucosa compositum , which has a specific effect on the impaired functions of the mucous membrane.
The therapeutic effect can be enhanced by nosodes Bacillinum-Injeel , Tuberculinum-Injeel , Grippe-Nosode-Injeel , Klebsiella pneumoniae-Injeel . With increased salivation, individual Stannum-Injeel preparations (greenish saliva) and Guajacum-Injeel (unpleasantly smelling purulent sputum) are experimentally administered.
In addition, it is possible to use suis-organ preparations, for example, once a week to perform intramuscular injections of a mixture of Pulmo suis-Injeel with Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel .