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From the point of view of the teachings Reckeweg homotoxin, all diseases are expressions of the body homotoxins overload.
Slow recovery in this case is a condition in which the toxins are not fully eliminated from the body. The reasons for this can be blocked by the immune system due to the action of allopathic medicines (antibiotics, antipyretic drugs) that cause a sharp condition treatment, but not conducive to correct recovery (removal of homotoxins). Therefore it is recommended to assign biological antihomotoxic medications.
Antihomotoxic therapy creates a friendly environment for the accelerated healing of diseases. To do this, first of all, the drug shows a China-Homaccord S (drops, ampoules). When states of exhaustion appointed Aletris-Heel (tablet), hypotension and orthostatic regulation violations - Aurumheel N (drops).
For parenteral therapy shows Tonico-Injeel, China-Homaccord S , Neuro-Injeel (2-3 intramuscular or subcutaneous injections per week alternately).
When mental exhaustion Nervoheel (tablets) is included in the treatment schedule.
Accelerate the recovery seems to be possible to single drugs Kalium picrinicum-Injeel, Aletris farinosa- Injeel.
After transferring infections is recommended to appoint nosodes (according to the principle of similarity, but not the identity). Especially shown Scarlatinum-Injeel, Medorrhinum-Injeel, Grippe-Nosode-Injeel. For more information about the nosode see. In the Annex.