The information published on the website is for general guidance only.
Described methods of diagnosis, treatment, prescriptions of traditional medicine, etc. not recommended for use on their own. Be sure to consult with a specialist, so as not to harm your health!
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In the event that an attack of gastritis did not makes its way through the 2-3 weeks, you need to route surveys (eg, gastric analysis, X-ray, endoscopy) to determine the presence of atrophic gastritis or outlined. In the differential diagnosis to exclude the beginning stomach ulcers or carcinoma.
For the treatment of gastritis shows:
1. Gastricumeel (tablet) - acute and chronic gastritis, heartburn, flatulence;
2. Nux vomica-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - Violations businesslike digestive tract, alcohol and nicotine;
3. Erigotheel (ampoules) - increased acidity;
4. Spascupreel (tablets), Spascupreel S (candles) - dysfunction of the digestive tract in combination with spasms.
Read more about the treatment of spastic gastritis drugs Erigotheel, Spascupreel, Gastricumeel cm. In the Annex.
For parenteral therapy is appointed Mucosa compositum for activating gastric mucosal damaged functions. Dosage: 1-3 intramuscular or subcutaneous injections per week, alternating with drug Nux vomica-Homaccord, Erigotheel.
after regeneration of the gastric mucosa shows suis-organ preparations Ventriculus suis-Injeel (1 per week).