Kidney Colic Renata

The information published on the site is intended only for reference.
The described methods of diagnosis, treatment, recipes of traditional medicine, etc. Self-use is not recommended. Be sure to consult with a specialist in order not to harm your health!
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In acute colic, urological diagnosis and appropriate therapy (surgery or lithotripsy) is necessary. To prevent the recurrence and concomitant therapy, biological agents are prescribed.
In addition, for successful treatment of the disease, the patient must drink an impressive number of fluids.
For the basic therapy of nephrolithiasis and colic:
1. Berberis-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) - for the treatment of irritations of the urinary tract in combination with the education of stones or without them;
2. Reneel (tablets) - irritation and inflammation of the urinary tract in conjunction with the education of stones or without them;
3. Spascupreel (tablets, ampoules), Spascupreel S (suppositories) - spasmolytic effect in colic.
These drugs are prescribed for long-term therapy. Only for the therapy of acute colic are shown Atropinum compositum (ampoules), Atropinum compositum S (candles), Atropinum sulfuricum-Injeel .
In oxalate flint, Acidum oxalicum-Injeel , Veratrum-Homaccord is assigned , with cement sludge - Lycopodium-Injeel (+ forte) .
With urate diathesis, Lithium carbonicum-Injeel , Lycopodium-Injeel , Lithiumeel (tablets), Hepeel (tablets) are shown.
In diathesis due to renal stone disease, 1 intramuscular injection per week is prescribed for Calculi renales-Injeel + Calcium carbonicum-Injeel + Arsenicum album-Injeel (for right-sided localization) or Saxifraga-Injeel, Veratrum-Injeel (for left-sided localization).
For the prevention of recurrence, Suis-organ preparations Vesica urinaria suis-Injeel , Urethra suis-Injeel , Pyelon suis-Injeel , Ureter suis-Injeel are shown. Before starting therapy with Ren suis-Injeel , it's time to take Mucosa compositum , Solidago compositum , because otherwise Ren suis activates the dissolution of homotoxins and can cause colic.
For the regulation of calcium metabolism in kidney stones containing calcium, Glandula parathyreoidea suis-Injeel is prescribed .