The information published on the website is for general guidance only.
Described methods of diagnosis, treatment, prescriptions of traditional medicine, etc. not recommended for use on their own. Be sure to consult with a specialist, so as not to harm your health!
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Under bloating (swelling) is understood atmospheric accumulation of any gas in the intestines and abdominal cavity, occurring, for example, intestinal blockage, fever, digestive disorders, inflammation of the peritoneum, liver cirrhosis, hysteria, with heart failure due to lack of absorption of gases at the weakness of the abdominal wall.
For the basic treatment of flatulence prescribers:
1. Hepeel - 2 times a day 1 tablet;
2. Gastricumeel - 2 times a day 1 tablet;
3. Nux vomica-Homaccord - 2 times a day, 10 drops.
Additionally, you can carry out the injection Leptandra copmpositum (2 times weekly 1 ampoule intramuscularly, subcutaneously, into the skin or in the form of "drinking vials").
All ampoule form preparations produced by "Heel" (except Procainum compositum), may be administered for oral therapy in the form of "drinking vials." In this case the contents of one or several vials diluted in a glass of water and slowly sips drunk during the day. To elect the suction of the mouth is recommended to delay a little in my mouth every sip.
For parenteral therapy flatulence similar formulations shown Nux vomica-Homaccord, Hepeel, Erigotheel alternately or in admixture (intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously or into the skin).
And in this disease experimentally can be administered nosodes Bacterium coli-Injeel (+ forte) , Bacterium proteus-Injeel (+ forte), Bacterium lactis aerogenes-Injeel (+ forte).
At the same time for 3-4 weeks it is recommended for 3 injections per week Injeel-conventional forms of these drugs. Once, when lack of adverse reactions of the body, you can go to form Injeel-forte, and use it for a similar 3-4 weeks.
In those cases, at what time and kind of Injeel-forte does not have a friendly action, you need to go to the low potency of the corresponding single nosode.
In chronic forms of the disease to activate the skin functions and authorities are encouraged to nominate an intramuscular injection (1 time per week for 1 ampoule) a mixture of Mucosa compositum, Hepar compositum, Hepar suis -Injeel (+ forte), Vesica fellea suis-Injeel (+ forte), Colon suis-Injeel (+ forte) .
The cause of flatulence and bloating in the upper digestive tract elements aerophagia is usually, but the lower elements - rotting and fermentation processes.
Therapy should be supplemented diet. It needs a lightweight diet, but similar to prevent aerophagia caused by ingestion of food and hurried insufficient chewing.
In those cases in which there has been Rёmhelda syndrome, it is recommended to prescribe a drug Cardiacum-Heel.
And depending on the specific symptoms of the disease may be administered following further individual preparations:
1. Absinthium-Injeel (+ forte) - catarrh of the stomach, heartburn, bloating, nervous irritability;
2. Anisum stellatum-Injeel (+ forte ) - weak antispasmodic in flatulence and catarrh;
3. China-Injeel (+ forte) - abnormal liver function in conjunction with the deprivation of hunger, flatulence, belching, vomiting undigested food hypersensitivity in the left elements epigastric district;
4. Leptandra-Injeel (+ forte) - flatulence, liver disease, pancreatitis;
5. Niccolum metallicum-Injeel (+ forte ) - cramps and a feeling of pressure in the stomach in conjunction with stitching and burning pangs, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea alternating with constipation spastic;
6. Raphanus sativus-Injeel (+ forte ) - liver disease in combination with flatulence;
7. Secale cornutum-Injeel (+ forte ) - stomach cramps, colic, vomiting, flatulence;
8. Yucca filamentosa-Injeel (+ forte ) - liver disease in combination with diarrhea and flatulence;
9. Zincum valerianicum-Injeel (+ forte ) - preparation having a soothing act;
10. Berberis-Injeel (+ forte) - cholangitis, cholecystitis, gallstone illness in conjunction with colic, liver diseases, flatulence, feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
11. Kreosotum-Injeel (+ forte) - chronic gastritis, mucous membranes of different localization, gastrointestinal diseases and flatulence;
12. Iberis amara-Injeel (+ forte ) - a feeling of heaviness and pain in the liver County, loose stools characteristic color (as in diseases of the gall bladder), in conjunction with a belch and digestive disorders;
13. Variolinum-Injeel (+ forte) - flatulence in conjunction with vomiting and diarrhea;
14. Cina-Injeel (+ forte) - swelling, accompanied by recurrent pain;
15. Bacterium coli-Injeel (+ forte ) - flatulence, combined with a sense of fear and depression;
16. Lithium carbonicum-Injeel (+ forte ) - catarrh of the digestive tract in conjunction with diarrhea;
17. Gentiana lutea-Injeel (+ forte ) - nausea, vomiting, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, abdominal pain, bloating, frequent urge;
18. Hyoscyamus-Injeel (+ forte) - healthy flatulence, pain, colic, constipation;
19. Penicillin-Injeel (+ forte) - flatulence, constipation in conjunction with agony in the navel region;
20. Graphites-Injeel (+ forte) - burning pain (as with colic), the processing state after a meal;
21. Acidum phosphoricum-Injeel (+ forte ) - severe abdominal distension due to flatulence, gas sounds travel.