mononucleosis INFECTION

The information published on the website is for general guidance only.
Described methods of diagnosis, treatment, prescriptions of traditional medicine, etc. not recommended for use on their own. Be sure to consult with a specialist, so as not to harm your health!
We do not sell drugs! Nothing!

Infectious mononucleosis is a viral infection, the causative agent of which is usually the Epstein-Barr virus, accompanied by sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and in the composition of the blood changes. In the differential diagnosis in this disease should be excluded leukemia.
For oral therapy of these drugs are prescribed:
1. Mercurius-Heel S (3 times daily and 1 tablet);
2. Traumeel S (3 times daily and 1 tablet);
3. Lymphomyosot (3 times a day 15-20 drops).
These drugs can be taken in a mixture or alternately.
Additionally shows Engystol N parenteral therapy to be carried out with caution, as Sulfur as part of the drug may lead to a deterioration of the original.
If Engystol N injections cause undesired reactions, are assigned Vincetoxicum-Injeel injection preparation containing the same components as Engystol N, but without Sulfur.
When persistent lymphadenopathy shown drug Glandula lymphatica suis-Injeel (for a few weeks to 1 intramuscular or subcutaneous injections per week).