Papillomas of the urinary bladder

The information published on the site is intended only for reference.
The described methods of diagnosis, treatment, recipes of traditional medicine, etc. Self-use is not recommended. Be sure to consult with a specialist in order not to harm your health!
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Since the bladder papillomas are a precancerosis, they must be removed immediately (by transurethral electroresection), it seems necessary to have their histological examination. To prevent the recurrence of biological agents are shown, thanks to which it is often possible to avoid the recurrence of papillomas and their transition to a malignant furuncle.
With the propensity to educate the papillomas, oral therapy is prescribed by the following drugs:
1. Psorinoheel - 3 times a day for 8-10 drops;
2. Abropernol - 3 times a day for 8-10 drops;
3. Galium-Heel - 3 times a day for 8-10 drops.
These drugs can be taken as if together, and alternately.
Depending on the specific symptomatology, you can additionally include Lymphomyosot (drops), Berberis-Homaccord (drops), Plantago-Homaccord (drops). For parenteral therapy, Psorinoheel , Galium-Heel , Hydrastis-Injeel , Traumeel S , Engystol N are indicated (alternately either in a mixture of 2 intramuscular or subcutaneous injections per week).
And it is necessary to appoint a nosode Polypus vesica urinariae-Injeel . Dosage: 1 intramuscular injection per week. At the same time it is recommended to start therapy with the ingenious Injeel-form , but after, depending on the individual reaction of the patient, go to the Injeel-forte form. Besides, Mucosa compositum , Vesica urinaria suis-Injeel , Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel are prescribed for the prevention of recurrences and normalization of mucosal activity.