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By pyelonephritis is meant inflammation of the kidneys or the system of the kidney cups (pyelitis), caused by a bacterial infection (hematogenous, lymphogenous, canal).
Primary forms of pyelonephritis (acute, relapsing, chronic, metastatic abscessing), obstructive forms of pyelonephritis (acute obstructive pyelonephritis, chronic obstructive pyelonephritis in congenital or acquired anomalies) and pyelonephritis are combined with factors favoring its development (metabolic disorders, drug abuse, Iatrogenic pyelonephritis after surgery).
Acute pyelonephritis is characterized by a sudden onset of the disease, fever attacks, flours in the back and general malaise. With narrowing of the urinary tract (stones, necrosis of the renal papillae), colic, nausea, constipation, a feeling of heaviness in the affected kidney are observed, but it seems like alguria, polakisuria, a healthy urine pressure.
Chronic pyelonephritis usually occurs without symptoms or with atypical symptoms (weakness, fatigue, headaches, back pain, nausea).
When a disease caused by bacteria, as if the situation, antibiotics are prescribed.
For oral basic therapy are shown:
1. Reneel - 2 times a day for 1 tablet;
2. Mercurius-Heel S - 2 times a day for 1 tablet;
3. Belladonna-Homaccord - 2 times a day for 10 drops.
These drugs can be taken as if together, and alternately. Dosage can be increased up to 4-6 times a day.
Depending on the specific symptoms, they are additionally assigned:
1. Berberis-Homaccord (drops) - with renal stone diathesis;
2. Traumeel S (tablets, drops) - with pyuria and fever 1-2 times per hour;
3. Arnica-Heel (drops) - with septic fever;
4. Spascupreel (tablets) - with acute flours in the kidneys;
5. Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni-Injeel (+ forte) - with acute cystitis;
6. Solidago compositum S - with chronic cystitis, cystopyelitis, renal stone disease, dysuria, strangury, oliguria, albuminuria, proteinuria;
7. Arsenicum album-Injeel (+ forte) - for painful kidney diseases;
8. Pyrogenium-Injeel (+ forte) - with a tendency to suppuration, sepsis, with nephritis, albuminuria, perinephric abscess;
9. Penicillin-Injeel (+ forte) - with edema of the kidneys, flour in the kidneys, the consequences of antibiotic therapy;
10. Vaccininum-Injeel (+ forte) - with renal hemorrhage;
11. Eupatorium purpureum-Injeel (+ forte) - with stupid pains in the kidneys, with agony during urination, blunt bladder pain;
12. Hyoscyamus-Injeel (+ forte) - with spasms of the bladder;
13. Cantharis compositum S - for acute cystitis, cystopyelonephritis, burning after urination, bladder taeneses, hydronephrosis, strangury, polakisuria;
14. Formica rufa-Injeel (+ forte) - albuminuria, proteinuria, polyuria, burning sensation after urination, cystitis (caused by Bacterium coli);
15. Acidum fumaricum-Injeel (+ forte) , Vaccininum-Injeel (+ forte) - with chronic nephritis;
16. Natrium pyruvicum-Injeel (+ forte) - with chronic nephritis and tenesmus of the bladder;
17. Guajacum-Injeel (+ forte) - with bladder tenesmus, mild urination combined with burning in the urethra;
18. Kalium bichromicum-Injeel (+ forte) - urinary retention in conjunction with the education of stones;
19. Bacterium coli-Injeel (+ forte) - with infections;
20. Echinacea compositum S (+ forte S) , Bryonia-Injeel (+ forte) - when pyelite;
21. Hepar sulfuris-Injeel (+ forte) - with a tendency to suppuration and impaired urination.
When pathological changes in the composition and consistency of urine are shown:
1. with ammonia urine - Ammonium benzoicum-Injeel (+ forte) , Mygale avicularis-Injeel (+ forte) ;
2. with bacteriuria - Ubichinon compositum , Natrium pyruvicum-Injeel (+ forte) ;
3. with dark flaky urine - Ubichinon compositum ;
4. with dark urine - Chionanthus virginicus-Injeel (+ forte) , Leptandra-Injeel (+ forte) ;
5. with purulent urine - Cantharis compositum S , Juniperus communis-Injeel (+ forte) ;
6. with glucosuria - Acidum DL-malicum-Injeel (+ forte) , Acidum fumaricum-Injeel (+ forte) , Phlorizin-Injeel (+ forte) ;
7. with leukocyturia - Ubichinon compositum ;
8. with oliguria - Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus-Injeel (+ forte) , Iberis amara-Injeel (+ forte) ;
9. with darkening of urine - Acidum fluor-Injeel (+ forte) .
To activate the blocked enzyme systems are shown the catalysts of Ubichinon compositum , Coenzyme compositum , however it seems like packs with catalysts of the citric acid cycle.
In addition, suis-organ preparations Vesica urinaria suis-Injeel , Pyelon suis-Injeel , Ren suis-Injeel , Ureter suis-Injeel, Colon suis-Injeel are recommended (with colicystia pialis).
To enhance the therapeutic effect, stepwise autohemotherapy with the above drugs can be prescribed. For more details, see the appendix.