Acute sinusitis

The information published on the website is for general guidance only.
Described methods of diagnosis, treatment, prescriptions of traditional medicine, etc. not recommended for use on their own. Be sure to consult with a specialist, so as not to harm your health!
We do not sell drugs! Nothing!

C point of view of the teachings Reckeweg homotoxin, acute sinusitis is orodermalnoy reactive phase (in which homotoxins derived through the mucous membrane of the nose and sinuses). Therefore inflammation should not be suppressed by strong antibiotics; necessary to support the processes of detoxification and excretion of homotoxins biological agents.

For the basic treatment of acute sinusitis are shown:

Naso-Heel S - 3 times daily for 8-10 drops;

Euphorbium compositum S - 3 times daily for 8-10 drops.

These drugs can be taken together as well as alternately.

Additionally, you need to assign nose drops Euphorbium compositum S, providing regulatory action on impaired function of the nasal mucosa and sinuses. Dosage: 2-5 times a day, 1-2 injections in each nostril.

Additionally, you can assign and other drugs, as shown in acute infections: Gripp-Heel (tablet), Aconitum-Homaccord (drops), Angin-Heel S (tablet), Tartephedreel (drops), Husteel (drops).