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Spikes are pathological fusion or fibrinous gluing of the internal organs covered with the peritoneum.
For the basic therapy of this disease, it is recommended to prescribe the biological preparation Funiculus umbilicalis-Injeel (+ forte). Therapy begins with subcutaneous, intramuscular and intradermal injections of the usual Injeel-form (potencies D10, D30 , D200 ). After 4-5 injections (ie 2-3 weeks), when the patient's condition improves, it is possible to switch to the Injeel-forte form (potencies D8, D12, D30, D200 ). If the patient's condition does not improve, it is recommended to repeat the course of the ingestionless Injeel-form (dosage: 1-2 intramuscular injections per week).
In addition, preparations Lymphomyosot , Graphites-Homaccord , Galium-Heel (3 times a day for 10 drops of each drug) are prescribed.
For the renewal of blocked enzyme systems and activation of the immune functions of the body, preparations of Ubichinon compositum and / or Coenzyme compositum are shown (1-3 times per week for 1 ampoule subcutaneously, intradermally, intramuscularly or as "drinking ampoules").
As a "drinking ampoule" can be taken all ampoule forms of preparations of the firm "Heel" (with the exception of Procainum compositum ). In this case, the contents of one or several ampoules are diluted in a glass of water and slowly, sips with drinks during the day. For selected suction of the mucosa every sip is recommended to hold in the mouth.
In addition, for additional therapy, single drugs can be prescribed:
Peritoneum suis-Injeel (+ forte) - with complaints of spikes;
Ranunculus bulbosus-Injeel (+ forte) - with spikes after pleurisy.