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The described methods of diagnosis, treatment, recipes of traditional medicine, etc. Self-use is not recommended. Be sure to consult with a specialist in order not to harm your health!
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The phenomenon of fear, which occurs almost in all healthy people, explains the unpleasant emotional state of the patient.
As usual, the basis of feelings of fear forms a well-known motive, aimed at wanting to prevent any undesirable event. With a feeling of fear, there are various vegetative symptoms: fear, uncertainty, motivation, increased pulse and respiratory rate, increased intestinal and bladder activity, nausea, sweating, trembling.
From the feeling of fear, it is necessary to distinguish excessive inadequate reactions (phobias), caused by certain objects or situations, often unjustified (eg, agoraphobia, claustrophobia, zoophobia, nosophobia, erythrophobia).
For basic therapy of anxiety states are shown:
· Gelsemium-Homaccord - 3 times a day for 10 drops, with attacks - every 10-15 minutes for 10 drops;
· Nervoheel - 3 times a day for 1 tablet.
In addition, Cerebrum compositum is shown alternately with Hepar compositum (for activating the detoxification functions of the liver).
Depending on the specific symptomatology the following drugs are prescribed:
1. Feeling of fear at night ( Pavor nocturnus ) - Ignatia-Injeel (+ forte), Digitalis-Injeel (+ forte);
2. Feeling of fear in the dark and alone - Stramonium-Injeel (+ forte), Chinhydron-Injeel (+ forte);
3. The fear of making a mistake - Phosphorus-Injeel (+ forte);
4. Fits of fear in the climacteric period - Sepia-Injeel (+ forte);
5. fear of a heart attack - Aurumheel N, Cralonin, Glonoin-Homaccord N, Melilotus-Homaccord N;
6. fear of waiting - Causticum-Injeel (+ forte), Gelsemium-Injeel (+ forte), Ypsiloheel;
7. fear of death - Spongia-Injeel (+ forte), Arsenicum album-Injeel (+ forte), Aconitum-Injeel (+ forte);
8. fear of loneliness - Kalium carbonicum-Injeel (+ forte);
9. fear of falling asleep - Grindelia robusta-Injeel (+ forte);
10. The fear of going insane - Chlorum-Injeel (+ forte);
11. fear of drugs - Hyoscyamus-Injeel (+ forte);
12. The fear of being abandoned - Psorinum-Injeel (+ forte);
13. fear of poverty - Psorinum-Injeel (+ forte);
14. fear of the future - Phosphorus-Injeel (+ forte), Psorinum-Injeel (+ forte);
15. fear of financial collapse - Calcium fluoratum-Injeel (+ forte);
16. painful fear - Arsenicum album-Injeel (+ forte), Latrodectus-Injeel (+ forte);
17. fear of strangers - Baryum carbonicum-Injeel (+ forte);
18. painful fear after food - Natrium szlfiricum-Injeel (+ forte);
19. painful fear in the morning - Lachesis-Injeel (+ forte), Natrium sulfuricum-Injeel (+ forte), Pulsatilla-Injeel (+ forte);
20. The fear caused by the already existing disease - Aconitum-Injeel (+ forte), Arsenicum album-Injeel (+ forte);
21. fear of having a bad one - Arsenicum album-Injeel (+ forte);
22. fear of getting sick - Rhus Tox-Injeel (+ forte);
23. fear combined with a slight concern - Rhus Tox-Injeel (+ forte);
24. Fear, combined with growing anxiety - Jodum-Injeel (+ forte), Stramonium-Injeel (+ forte), Tarantula-Injeel (+ forte);
25. fear of a thunderstorm - Calcium carbonicum-Injeel (+ forte), Acidum nitricum-Injeel (+ forte), Causticum-Injeel (+ forte), Stramonium-Injeel (+ forte), Pulsatilla-Injeel (+ forte), Natrium muriaticum -Injeel (+ forte), Natrium carbonicum-Injeel (+ forte), Rhododendron-Injeel (+ forte), Silicea-Injeel (+ forte), Petroleum Injeel (+ forte), Bryonia-Injeel (+ forte), Phosphorus- Injeel (+ forte).
In all kinds of fear, catalysts for the citric acid cycle, Coenzyme compositum , Ubichinon compositum , seem to be assigned to activate enzyme functions .
More details about homeopathic preparations of psychosomatic action see the appendix.