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At fear before school it is necessary to spend conversation with the child and its parents with the purpose to find out the possible problems in their mutual relations, but it seems the child's difficulties when studying.
Unfortunately, we do not have a concrete experiment of therapy of this fear with preparations of the firm "Heel" . Nevertheless, we recommend that you prescribe medications that are shown with a general feeling of fear.
For basic therapy, Nervoheel (tablets) and Gelsemium-Homaccord (droplets) preparations are shown, the components of which act on states of fear.
In vegetative dystonia, the drug Ypsiloheel (tablets) is additionally prescribed .
At fear before school because of bad progress it is appointed Cerebrum compositum (ampoules), rendering specific action on functions of a brain. Dosage: 1 time per week for 1 ampoule intramuscularly for a long time.
Additionally, the following single drugs can be included in the therapy schedule:
1. Phosphorus-Injeel - fear of future and pre-mental stress;
2. Ambra-Injeel - fear in the presence of strangers;
3. Anacardium-Injeel - grief, lack of will, increased flair;
4. Spigelia-Injeel - pessimism;
5. Valeriana-Injeel - fear combined with a sense of anxiety, especially with agitation and mental stress.
These drugs can be used as if for parenteral and oral therapy (in the form of "drinking ampoules"). In this case, the contents of one or several ampoules are diluted in a glass of water and slowly, sips with drinks during the day. For the selected suction of the oral mucosa, it is recommended to slightly delay each sip in the mouth.
These drugs can be used, since they do not cause any side effects in the child.