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When cerebral convulsions need to conduct a thorough neurological examination of the patient. If necessary, treatment can be administered anticonvulsant medications to relieve attacks of cerebral seizures.
Biological therapy can be considered as more as it is in any case has no side effects of allopathic drugs.
During the biological treatment dosage anticonvulsant drugs can gradually reduce (carefully, taking into account the EEG data). In no event it is impossible to abruptly stop taking them.
For oral therapy of this disease are shown:
1. Galium-Heel - 3 times daily for 8-10 drops;
2. Spascupreel - 3 times a day 1 tablet;
3. Psorinoheel - 3 times daily for 8-10 drops;
4. Belladonna-Homaccord - 3 times daily for 8-10 drops.
These drugs can be taken together as well as alternately.
Of course, in this scheme of therapy may be amended depending on the specific circumstances of the disease. Periodically, it is recommended to appoint Hepeel (to activate the detoxification of the liver) and Schwef-Heel (reaction agent for chronic diseases).
For parenteral therapy shows Cerebrum compositum, providing a specific offense in the impaired brain function. Additionally, it is recommended to appoint Coenzyme compositum, activating cellular respiration. Intramuscular injections of these drugs are held 1-3 times a week in different rooms.
When cerebral convulsions can be similar to assign individual drugs Asterias rubens - Injeel, Cresolum-Injeel , Lyssinum-Injeel.
Ampoule forms of all of these drugs can be used in a similar form of "drinking vials." In this case the contents of one or several vials diluted in a glass of water and slowly sips drunk during the day. To elect the suction of the mouth is recommended just to hold each sip in your mouth.