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The heel spur is an exostosis formed on the calcaneus. Usually there is a plantar spur directed parallel to the tendons; Less common is the posterior spur on the Achilles tendon attachment site. In rare cases, with this disease, flour can be observed at a pressure on the heel. From the point of view of Reckeweg's teaching about homotoxins, this disease is an osteodermal phase of deposition.
For the basic oral therapy, the following drugs are prescribed:
1. Osteoheel S - 3 times a day for 2 tablets;
2. Graphites-Homaccord - 3 times a day for 10 drops;
3. Galium-Heel - 3 times a day for 10 drops.
For local therapy, the Traumeel S ointment is shown (in the morning - a light massage, at night - a bandage). If the patient's condition worsens in the cold and in wet weather, Galium-Heel can be replaced with Dulcamara-Homaccord .
In addition, parenteral therapy with Hekla Lava-Injeel is recommended (twice a week for 1 ampoule, it is recommended to start therapy with ingenious Injeel - forms , only then go to the Injeel-forte form). Similar it is possible to appoint Ammonium muriaticum-Injeel , Natrium sulfuricum-Injeel , Asa foetida-Injeel .
To enhance the therapeutic effect, Suis-organ preparation Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel is shown (2 times a week for 1 ampoule for 4-6 weeks).
With prolonged therapy of this disease, it is recommended to reduce the load and pressure on the heel. In addition to the activation of blood circulation, baths, electrotherapy and Kneipp hydrotherapy are shown. Surgical interventions, as if the situation, are unsuccessful.