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With gastric ulcer, various complications can occur (eg, bleeding due to vascular arthritis, perforation and penetration of neighboring organs, etc.), which require immediate surgical or endoscopic intervention.
Since together with a stomach ulcer can begin and carcinoma, in those cases, at what time prolonged therapy of the ulcer is unsuccessful, it is recommended to conduct a biopsy and histological analysis.
Gastricumeel is indicated for the basal treatment of gastric ulcers. Dosage: 3-4 times a day for 1 tablet for talking, for acute diseases - every 10-15 minutes for 1 tablet (for 1-2 hours).
When agony is similar, Bryaconeel (tablets) is prescribed .
In addition, additionally, the preparations of Anacardium-Homaccord (drops) and Duodenoheel (tablets) shown with duodenal ulcer can be prescribed.
For parenteral therapy, Erigotheel is indicated (dosage: 3-4 times per week intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously for several weeks). To enhance the therapeutic effect, intramuscular and intravenous injections of a mixture of this drug Traumeel S are prescribed.
This therapy is indicated for recurrent and chronic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Bleeding is a contraindication for this therapy; They are assigned Cinnamomum-Homaccord , Hamamelis-Injeel , Argentum nitricum-Injeel .
In especially severe cases, injections (every couple of days) of Erigotheel and Traumeel S (intravenously or intramuscularly) are recommended, but in the intervals between them - subcutaneous injections using the "blister" method of 1 ampoule of Erigotheel .
After the acute symptoms are removed, the Suvis organ preparations Curvatura major ventriculi suis-Injeel, Curvatura minor ventriculi suis-Injeel, Pylorus suis-Injeel, Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel, Sympathicus suis-Injeel are assigned (depending on the localization of the ulcer). Weekly 1-2 intramuscular injections of individually selected drugs are carried out.