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Abortion full

- is observed more often in the early stages of pregnancy. The uterus is free from the remains of the fetal egg, it contracts, the cervical canal closes and the bleeding stops.
Depending on the stage. When a threatening and started abortion is shown bed rest in a hospital. Psychotherapy, eliminating negative emotions and positively affecting the development of pregnancy. Medication methods include sedative therapy (bromine preparations), hypnotics before bed, vitamins (vigami E, ascorbic acid), hormonal drugs (progesterone, combined estrogen-yeastogenic drugs). With abortion on the move and incomplete, surgical removal of the fetal egg or its parts is indicated. In a late abortion, not accompanied by significant bleeding, waiting for spontaneous birth of the fetal egg, scraping of the uterus is indicated in case of a delay in the cavity of the placenta parts. In case of a threatening or beginning abortion, caused by ischemic-cervical insufficiency, surgical intervention is shown: suturing the cervix.