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Peritonsillar abscess, or absinth phlegmonous

Complication of chronic tonsillitis or acute angina. The purulent process in the circumfluorocellular tissue is caused by bacteria penetrating through the lacunae of the tonsils.
Symptoms and course:
After the transferred upper respiratory tract disease, there are pains in the throat, temperature, intoxication, then swelling in the tonsil zone, its swelling, in the throat, all the signs of angina are observed: the increase and soreness of the lymph nodes of the neck from this side, the forced position of the head (inclination to the sore side) Trism - the inability to open your mouth wide. Possible complications: abscesses okologlotochnogo space, deep phlegmon neck, bleeding from the major vessels of the neck, laryngeal edema, sepsis, nephritis.
Stationary. Ripe rip open. Assign antibiotics, analgesics, antipyretic. Locally - antiseptic preparations in the form of rinses (furatsilin 1: 5000), fiziolecheniche Prognosis beyond complications
- favorable.
Compliance with oral hygiene, treatment of chronic tonsillitis, carious teeth. In repeated cases - the removal of tonsils.