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Abscess in the maxillofacial area

Limited accumulation of pus in the tissues, arising from inflammation. In the maxillofacial region, as a rule, is a consequence of a complicated dental disease. It can also be caused by a furuncle, a sore throat, damage to the skin or mucous membrane of the oral cavity, entry into the bacterial tissue with a syringe during anesthesia, etc. An abscess can also form as a result of an infection with blood or lymph flow in general infectious diseases (influenza, etc.).
Symptoms and course:
Usually an abscess is preceded by a toothache, characteristic of periodontitis (see). It appears in the area of ​​a certain tooth, nibbling which causes an increase in pain. Soon there is a swelling of soft tissues and a densification, painful when touching. If the abscess develops under the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the examination shows its swelling and redness. When the abscess is located closer to the skin (face and submandibular area), the picture is similar.
Progression of purulent process is accompanied by deterioration of the general condition, fever, violation of appetite, sleep. To remove the focus of infection in a patient's tooth, and most importantly to prevent its spread to the surrounding tissue and area, it is necessary to promptly open the abscess with a doctor. Otherwise, the possibility of developing a limited inflammation into the spillage with the transition to phlegmon is not ruled out.
The development of an abscess can lead to a breakout of the pus outward or into the oral cavity. The expiration of pus removes acute symptoms, the pain subsides or disappears, normal contours of the face or mucous membrane of the mouth are restored, and overall well-being stabilizes. Such an outcome should not be reassured, since the process continues, but already in a chronic stage. In the future it can become aggravated, and this is a purulent discharge from the fistulous course with an unpleasant odor from the mouth, sensitizing the body with toxic products of decay.
The rapid development of the process gives grounds to strongly recommend not to postpone calls to the dentist. Before, as measures of facilitating nature, you can use painkillers, warm mouth rinsing, thermal bandage.
Reception of antibiotics and other strong drugs without prescribing is not recommended.
Below are outlined the features of process recognition depending on the place of its origin and the most frequent localization.